-boyfriends school

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Y/n stood outside of her new school with her arms crossed as her boyfriend stood next to her looking towards her with an amused look. The girl took in the students standing outside, this wasnt the first time she had seen this school since her old school was DeavenFord prep she came here a lot for her Lacrosse games but she had never been anywhere except the lacrosse field where she would play.

The Lacrosse field was actualy where her and her boyfriend of almost two years met, she was up to swip the ball for Devenford prep while he was up for Beacon Hills. They were flirting the entire game, anyone with eyes could see that so after the game that went on a date and clicked immediatly. You would think after almost two years of dating she would know his friends but she has only met Stiles, who she immediatly became best friends with since they were both sarcastic. Scott always said he apparently had a thing for people with too much sarcasm, since his best friend and girl friend did.

So not only was Y/n terrified of going to a new school she also had to meet his friends, what if they didnt like her? or thought Scott could do better? What if he beilved them and left her? What if-

"You nervous?" He asked amused watching her scared face.

"Do I look nervous?" She titled her head up to look at him since he was taller than her, he leaned down placing his lips infront of her only cenimeters away from touching.

"Terrified" He mumbled against her lips making her playfully slap his chest before he peaked her lips and slid his hand into her back pocket, it was something they always did when walking or just standing around.

They walked into the school and saw his group of friends standing by his locker, Stiles saw them and waved

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They walked into the school and saw his group of friends standing by his locker, Stiles saw them and waved. Y/n turned to walk in the opposite direction her nerves making her sick but Scott grabbed her back pocket spinning her into his chest.

"Come on" He kissed her head for comfort before he stuck his hand back into her pocket and walked to the group

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"Come on" He kissed her head for comfort before he stuck his hand back into her pocket and walked to the group.

She took a deep breathe to calm her nerves as they stood in front of the group.

"Hi you must be Y/n, Scott talks about you all the time. Im Kira" She smiled at Y/n making her nerves calm down and making her feel slightly better, she glanced up at Scott to see his cheeks a bright pink so she kissed his cheek making it brighter.

"Im Lydia and I love your outifit! Your my new bestie and we are going shopping this weekend" She said looking at Y/ns outift she had on making the girl smile at how welcoming they all were.

"Thanks, I like your outift too" Y/n complimented making Lydia smile.

The rest of the group intorduced themselves making Y/n feel better about going to her boyfriends school and meeting his friends. Over the next year they not only were Scotts best freind but also became hers, Y/n was really thankfully for that since she had never been good at making friends.

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