-couldnt save her

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You were running down the tunnel your sister Lydia a few feet behind you holding an unconscious Stiles. Yes Stiles was your boyfriend but you had a bad feeling something was going to happen to Alison so you had to save her.

You knew she was up there now by herself fighting the onis, you, Lydia and Scott were up there but you left to go find Stiles.

You ran down the tunnel and up the ladder. You saw Alison shoot an arrow at the oni, then it happened- you felt it.

"Alison!" You screamed as loud as you could. Right before hearing the distance voice of your sister doing the same. The onis grabbed their ears from your high pitch scream that made their ears bleed but that didn't stop them from stabbing Alison is the chest.

You ran over to her and held her in your arms. "Your okay, your going to be okay" you cried into her hair.

"I'm not y/n/n we both know that" she smiled sadly at you. "Tell Scott that I said thank you for being my first love and someone I will love forever" she begged you tears running down her face as she took one last breathe her eyes closing for the last time.

"No!" You screamed an ear piercing scream (literally). Scott came stumbling in holding his ears when he saw Alison.

"Is she?" He chocked back tears as you nodded.

"I tried- I couldn't- I'm sorry Scott" you sobbed holding Alison in your arms still.

"Hey it's not your fault y/n. Don't ever blame yourself Alison would want you to do that" Scott told you looking at you.

"She told me to tell you thank you for being her first love and someone she will always love" you told him giving him a sad smile.

He just looked down at Alison's body as tears cascaded down his face.

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