-make love

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Y/n laid on Stiles bed, her arms wrapped around his waist while her head laid on his chest. Stiles looked away from the movie and glanced down at his girlfriend before kissing the top of her head making her look at him.

Stiles took a moment to take in everything about the girl he had been dating for six months, to think about how lucky he was to have her. He loved her, he had just never told her; he never told her how he loved how compassionate she was, how she looked for the good in everyone or how she believe everyone was beautiful in their own way.

He had never told her how much he loved when her nose would crinkle when she laughed, how adorable she looked when she would bite her lip as she focused on something oblivious to his gazing eyes or how she covered her face when she blushed. But now he would tell her.

She was still looking at him with that adorable smile he had fallen in love with on her face. He placed his hand on her cheek before leaning in a giving her a long and passionate kiss.

"I need to tell you something" He told her stroking her cheek with the pad of his thumb.

"Mhm" She hummed closing her eyes and leaning into his hand.

"I love you" Her eyes shot open and she set up staring at him with wide eyes, to say she was shocked by those three words was an understatement.

"You don't have to say it back. I just wanted you to know that I am so damn in love with you" He smiled at her before she leaned in a kissed his back harder and more passionate than he had before.

"I love you more than you could ever know Stiles Stilinski" She whispered smiling at him.

"You know what I wanna do, I mean we don't have to if you don't want to- I mean since it would both be our first time" Stiles rambled looking up at the girl at the sound of her adorable giggle to see her eyes covered in love.

It was in that moment he knew this was the girl he wanted to make love with for the first time and this was no doubt the girl he wanted to marry.

"Here's the thing Y/n I don't want to fuck you or have sex with. No. I wanna make love to you, I want you to know how much I truly do love you" Stiles told her making her smile wider.

Y/n got on her knees before straddling his waist teasingly stoping right in front of his lips before dragging hers against his jaw line right under his ear.

"Then make love to me Stiles" She whispered in his ear, her voice nothing but sweet and loving.

That's all it took for the head over heels in love teenagers to be tangled in the sheets, naked bodies pressed together leaving sweet delicate kissing against each other's burning skin.

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