-his 10 steps

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He saw her

He stood next to his friends who were constantly taking to him but he couldn't hear a thing they were saying instead his focus was on the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. She set smiled at her friend gently shoving her shoulder laughing and in that moment he knew he had to meet her.

He met her

He shut the door to his locker looking across the hall to see her standing there placing her books in as her friend leaned against the lockers, both girl deep in
conversation. The friend waved goodbye before pushing off the lockers and heading down the hallway, that was his cue to head over.

He took a deep breathe before walking over to her locker standing next to the girl waiting for her to notice him which she did and shut her locker to give him her full attention, which in return made him very nervous.

"Hi" He mumbled out

"Hi" She blushed pushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

He wanted her

From the moment he met her, he knew he wanted to be with her. He knew for a fact that he wanted to be the one to make her smile, to make her blush and to hear her laugh that easily became his new favorite sound. He wanted her but he wasn't sure she wanted him, so these feelings remained deep inside him.

He liked her

He liked her. He liked the way her smile seemed to reach her eyes even if it was the smallest one. He liked the way she never accepted anyone compliments because she didn't believe she was beautiful, even though everyone could easily tell you she was the most breathe taking girl they had ever seen. He liked that she was a good listener, she would listen to big things about his childhood or the small things like his favorite color. He simply liked her.

He chased her

After the moment he realized her liked her, he began to work his way into more than just the dreaded friend zone. He was scared of rejection, he was scared to ask so he decided a different tactic.

"You, me, date tonight. I'll pick you up at 6" He told her before walking away leaving her standing in the middle of the hallway with a surprised look on her face which soon turned into a smile the boy liked so much.

He got her

He walked down the sidewalk with her, their hands hung by their sides which every know and again would brush together sending sparks through his body. Once they reached her porch they stood their in comfortable silence admiring the other just for a moment.

"I had fun, thanks for tonight" She said turning on her heel to open her door but was stopped by his hand on her wrist.

"I did too, I was wondering if maybe you would be my girlfriend? I mean I understand if you say no this is only our third date and-" He rambled.

"I would love to" She smiled at him pulling away from the kiss she had used to cut off his rambling.

He had her

He laid on his bed, the Notebook playing in the background but she was asleep and he was too fixated on admiring her sleeping figure. Their hands and legs were intertwined, her head laid on his chest. He smiled down at her still not being able to believe he got to call this beautiful, amazing girl his.

He got bored of her

In the beginning it was great, she was amazing. She was beautiful, smart, funny, and simply perfect. He was head over heels in love with this girl but recently it had been boring. Her touch didn't cause sparks, her kiss didn't cause fireworks in his stomach, he no longer got butterfly's looking at her, and the sex no longer had any passion behind it. He was simply bored of her.

He left her

He waited and waited for the feelings to come back, for the kisses and touches to leave him craving more, but it never came. The flame had long burned out, he tried to look into her eyes to see if she felt it too, but all he could see was love and passion which made what he was about to do so much harder.

'I'm sorry. I'm breaking up with you. It wasn't you and it wasn't me, it just wasn't meant to be. The flame had burned out and it's not coming back. I'm sorry'

He broke her

One week. She hadn't been at school for one week. He didn't know why, neither did the fellow classmates but he had a pretty good idea from her best friend shooting daggers at him. Ever since that night she laid in her bed heartbroken, wearing his hoodie balling her eyes out.

She loved him, she thought he loved her but as she laid in the bed they once laid in tangle in the sheets together she started to second guess every moment they spent together. The thought that everything was fake broke her almost as much as he had.

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