-true alphas

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At the age of 6 y/n and her twin brother Scott realized there was something different about them, they weren't like the other kids.

Their mother Melissa noticed and took them to a family friend named Peter Hale, who upon taking one look at the children knew this was not good.

Scott and Y/n were born werewolves but not just any kind they were both true alphas which meant the most powerful. Y/n and Scott being both alphas were sworn enemies, which explains why the have never got along even if they were twins.

Melisa and Peter decided it would be smart for them not to grow up together, y/n would grow up here with him and the Hale family while Scott would grow up with his normal family.

Y/n stood in front of her childhood home that was burnt to the ground years ago, training with her older brother Derek.

"You ready to tonight?" He asked her blocking her punches.

"You mean ready to kill the other alpha pack? Hell yeah" she responded kicking her leg up to hit him in the jaw.

"Okay ow" he told her laughing. "I think your ready, but is the rest of your pack" he said gesturing to the other members.

"Erica's good and so is Boyd and we have you but the rest of them well..." she trailed off.

"Y/n you have to fight them in an hour, they have a kitsune, banshee, hunter, were-coyote and you have three members worth shit" Derek told her.

"Thanks for the confidence Der-bear" she teased him with the nickname she gave him as a kid.

"Y'all ready?!" She yelled out to her pack.

"Hell yeah" Erica told her and everyone agreed.

"Let's do this then" Y/n told them looking at Derek who nodded at her.

"Melisa we have a problem!" Peter yelled walking into the hospital.

"What it is Peter I'm a little busy" she told him turning to the patient she has been working on.

"It's y/n and Scott. They're going to kill each other tonight" Peter told her making Melisa stop what she was doing before grabbing her back and running out of the hospital.

When they arrived to the location the Hale pack was overpowering the McCall pack. Y/n was holding Scott down by his neck ready to rip his throat out when a voice interrupted her.

"Stop!" Melisa yelled.

"Mama McCall?!" The McCall pack asked in shock.

"Mom?!" Scott asked in disbelief. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Aww mommy gets to watch you die how sweet" y/n mumbled digging her nails into his throat.

"I won't watch my own daughter kill her brother!" Melissa yelled making y/n stop.

"What?" She asked.

"Y/n your my daughter and Scott's twin sister, when y'all were six we had to split you up so you wouldn't kill each other" Melissa explained.

Y/n turned her head to Derek and Peter, "y'all lied to me? Y'all aren't my family and for 13 years you made me believe that? You made me believe my family died in the fire?!" She asked shoving her hand off Scott walking away into the woods forgetting about the fight.

She didn't care about killing the other alpha, she felt betrayed by the people who she thought was her family.

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