-lydias secret

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Lydia was always good at keep secrets and other things from the pack, not that she needed to often but there was only one thing she was terrified for them to find out. That was that she had a girlfriend named Y/n.

Y/n and Lydia had been together for 8 months and were head over heels in love with each other but Lydia's pack was yet to know. It was a little easier to keep the pack from finding out since Y/n went to Devenford prep but tonight there was a lacrosse game, Beacon Hills vs Devenford prep (Y/n played Lacrosse) and the entire pack was going to be there to watch.

Lydia decided tonight would be when she would tell them, she loved Y/n more than she has ever loved anyone- more than she thought it was possible to love someone and if the pack didn't except her she knew at least she had Y/n by her side.

"I don't understand this game can we leave?" Malia whined from her spot on the bleachers beside Allison, Kira and Lydia.

"No we can't leave" Lydia said her eyes locked on Y/n who had possession of the ball running past Scott and Liam before diving past Jackson and scoring in the goal making Lydia smile.

"That girl has to be a werewolf or something, she's better than the guys" Kira said looking up from the textbook in Allison's lap.

'Nope 100% human, my baby's just that good' Lydia thought to herself.

"I don't know but BH is down by five in there's 20 seconds left in the game, we lost" Allison said making Malia huff.

"You mean to tell me I set out here all this time just to watch them loose!" Malia yelled as the buzzer sounded and Beacon Hills walked over to the side of the fence sulking.

"Come on lets go see the boys" Kira said but looked up to see Lydia already past the boys running to number 4 on Devenford Preps team.

The girls walked down to the fence with the rest of the pack and looked across the field to see Lydia standing in front of the girl who took her helmet off letting her h/c fall over her shoulders blowing in the light breeze making Lydia admire how beautiful she was.

"You won! And scored the most goals" Lydia said giving her a hug squeezing her shoulders.

"Yeah I did, so do I get a celebration kiss?" Y/n asked smirking making Lydia playfully roll her eyes before grabbing Y/ns face and smashing their lips together.

Y/ns hand traveled to Lydia's waist pulling her body against hers before Y/n trailed her lips down Lydia's jaw and neck.

"Damn Y/L/n getting it tonight!" Brett yelled making Y/n and Lydia pull apart laughing.

"Oh shut up Talbot" Y/n yelled back before running over and jumping on his back making them fall to the ground laughing since they had been best friend for as long as they could remember.

"Go get the girl" Brett said pulling his jersey over his head.

"I already got the girl" Y/n laughed running of before turning and jogging backwards. "Also put a shirt on Brett no one wants to see that!"

"Any girl but you would love to see this!" Brett argued back making her laugh before she turned back jogging over to her girl friend who was standing with whom Y/n assumed to be her pack.

"As I was saying I hope y'all except me even after I admitted that" Y/n heard her say as she joined the conversation.

"Lydia of course we do" Allison said making everyone nod in agreement.

"So who's this?" Scott asked gesturing to Y/n who had her arm around Lydia's waist laying her head on her shoulder.

"Oh this is my beautiful girlfriend Y/n" Lydia said kissing her head making Y/n smile.

"Hi" Y/n said before yawning making Lydia laugh at her sleepy girlfriend.

"Your pretty damn good, better than me and that's saying something" Stiles said making everyone stifle a laugh.

"Nah I aspire to be like you, I mean did you see you sleeping on the bench? Inspirational" Y/n responded playfully making everyone laugh.

"Alright you can stay, we have a lot of making fun of Stiles to do" Isaac said wrapping an arm around her shoulder making Y/n laugh before engaging in conversation with Isaac and a few others.

Lydia watched them laugh and talk with a sense of pride knowing she picked a good girl- whom she wanted to spend the rest of her life with and was glad her friends liked her.

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