-the fiancé

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The pack was walking down to the Lacrosse field they use to go to everyday in high school but now they were in their 3rd year of college. They got a message from their friend Scott McCall asking them to come to the game tonight since it was the teams first game, spring break for the college students and he was the new coach.

"Soo I'm thinking about telling Scott I'm still in love with him. I mean he has to still love me, we only broke up because of all the crazy supernatural stuff going on now that that's over with maybe we can get back together" Allison told the pack walking though the parking lot.

"Aww Alli y'all were so cute together, there's no way he doesn't love you anymore. My otps going to be back together!" Lydia said excited giving her shoulders a squeeze.

"Allison I don't think that's a-" Stiles began but was cut off by Lydia screaming Scott's name.

"Scott!" Lydia yelled making him turn his head from the field and to the red head shooting her a smile before pulling her into a hug.

"Hey guys, hold on one second" Scott told them before blowing the whistle telling the team to take a break before their game.

"I missed you buddy" Stiles said faking crying as he hugged his best friend who laughed before pushing him away.

"I saw talked to you yesterday" Scott told him laughing.

"Hey Scott can I talk to you?" Allison asked before looking at Lydia who nodded.

"Sure Alli what's up?" Scott asked her smiling.

"I just had to tell you umm I know we broke up a while ago when all the crazy supernatural stuff was going on but I was thinking-" Allison was cut off by a beautiful y/h/c bouncing over to the group before hugging Scott from behind.

"Hey handsome" Y/n said kissing him on the cheek. "Stiles!" Y/n said before walking over to give the boy- she considered one of her best friends since they have FaceTimed more times then she can count- a hug.

"Hey Y/n did you finally get Scott to watch Star Wars?" Stiles asked her pulling away from the hug.

"Not yet" She told him before turning to face Scott "but you will watch that amazing movie one day McCall" Y/n smiled at him.

"Alright good luck with that babe" Scott said wrapping an arm around her waist.

"So who's this?" Allison asked crossing her arms over her chest glaring at the girl who wore a bright smile.

"Oh yeah sorry this is my fiancé Y/n" Scott said kissing her on the side of her head.

"Your fiancé?" Allison asked burr obvious to everyone but the two head over heels in love young adults too caught up in each other to notice.

"Yeah its really nice to meet all of you but I have to go give Liam his 'you gotta control your temper' talk so bye" Y/n giggled before waving goodbye and bouncing down towards the field.

"You really must love her to propose" Issac told him.

"I love her much than I've ever loved anyone in my entire life" Scott told them looking down down at the lacrosse field where the y/h/c stood ruffling the hair on Liam's head smiling at him.

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