-you promised

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You walked out of your room and down the stairs in yours and your brother, Scott's home.

"We are going tonight, also no one tell y/n" Scott glared at Stiles who threw his hands up innocently. "I just don't want my baby sister to get hurt"

You walked into the kitchen and everything went dead silence. Everyone seemed nervous and was avoiding eye contact with you.

"Hey little bit" Scott told you messing up your hair.

"Hey. What's up with y'all? Y'all are acting really weird?" You told them raising an eyebrow drinking from your bottle of water.

"Us acting weird? Whaaaa?" Stiles said in a high pitched voice and everyone sighed.

You turned around to face your boyfriend and smiled sweetly at him. "Stiles, baby, anything you wanna tell me?" You batted your eye lashes.

You could visibly see Stiles swallow. "Yes there is something I want to tell you, I love you" he smiled at you going to kiss you but you pushed his face away.

"Anything else" you looked at him crossing your arms. He shook his head no, "Okay well guess no kisses for a week then" You turned walking to the stairs.

"Okay! We are going to fight the onis tonight and we didn't want to tell you because we all love you and would be devastated if anything happened to you" Stiles told you.

You smiled turning around walking to the pack.

"Then I won't go" You took another sip of water.

"Promise you won't go?" Stiles asked you as you playfully rolled your eyes.

"I promise, Stiles" you kissed his cheek before you walked back up stairs and shut your door.

You stood in front of your mirror thinking. When you whispered to yourself, "like hell I won't go"

You were on the roof with your bow and arrow when you saw your brother fighting an oni. The oni was about to stab him when you shot an arrow through his head.

Scott's head snapped to you, "your welcome!" You yelled as you continued to shoot people from on the roof.

You jumped down and continued shooting the onis down there, you shot the one that was right in front of Alison. She looked at you and nodded when you were about to nod back you heard Lydia scream.

"Y/N!" She screamed as loud as she could, then everything was slow motion.

You felt the sword go into your stomach, everyone stopped and was just watching you. Stiles ran over to you as the oni pulled the sword back out and you fell to the ground with your head in stiles lap.

"You promised" Stiles cried pushing your hair back.

"Some promises are meant to be broken" you croaked.

"Scott take her pain away!" Lydia cried from beside you on the ground.

Scott grabbed your hand as tears ran down his face. He looked from you hand to the pack in confusion.

"I-I can't take her pain away" he wiped his noise.

You grabbed his hand making him look at you, "that's because it doesn't hurt" you softly smiled to him.

"Why did you come Y/N you promised you wouldn't?!" Alison yelled at you as she sobbed.

She was loosing her bestfriend and so was Lydia so this was really hard on them. Well this was hard on everyone, Scott was loosing his baby sister, Stiles the love of his life, and everyone else was loosing an amazing friend.

"Y'all are my family" you took a deep breathe "I would die a hundred times for y'all" you told them as it got harder to breathe.

"Y/N" Stiles chocked. You placed a hand on his cheek wiping his tears with your thumb.

"It's okay, I'm okay. I get to die surrounded by my family and in the arms of my first love and someone I will always love" you croaked out as you took your last breathe.

"No Y/N!" Everyone screamed for you as your body went limp and your hand slipped from stiles face and onto the hard ground.

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