-predator and prey

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"Y/n can you try to solve the deadpool tonight?" Lydia asked.

"Why cant yall do it? Im a werewolf not a genius" Y/n told them.

"Trust me we tried, Stiles and I stayed up all last night and got no where. Plus your like smarter than both of us combined, so please" Lydia begged.

"Give me the stuff" Y/n sighed rolling her eyes.

Stiles handed her the computer, a print of the deadpool, the tape, and a tape player. Now it was up to Y/n to see if she could solve this.

Y/n listened to the tape over and over again for the past 6 hours and the pack had all fallen asleep. Earlier she rewinded it trying to listen to the very beginning of the tape and for a while there was nothing but white noise. Then she got 57 minutes into listening to it, when she was about to fall asleep she heard talking in the background causing her to sit up quickly and listen closley.

"Where did you even get this idea?" A male voice asked.

"Peter Hale" A femal voice repsonded. "When he was in a coma I heard him talking about this, to make a list of supernatural peoples names and hire assassians to kill them. He had explained how to pay them, with the money in the Hale vault under the high school. I dont know how he hasnt noticed, Ive gotten at least a million dollars out. Peter came up with the idea but never did it, so I did it for him"

"Merideth, the deadpool is posted start the tapes" The male voice to her making the tape go silent again.

Y/n had an excited smile on her face feeling very smart to have figured out that much. She glanced towards the livingroom of Dereks loft to see everyone past out asleep in different positions.

"Theres got to be a way to track where the tapes came from right?" Y/n mumbled to herself grabbing the computer and typing frantically.

Y/n set in that one spot searching everywhere for the address for what felt like forever until she found the location and you can say not one bit was she suprised when it said, The Echin House. The girl shut the computer before grabbing her coat and walking toawrds the door, she turned around to make sure everyone was asleep before heading out.

Y/n walked into the mental hospital walking to front desk smiling at the lady who seemed oddly cheery for it to be 4 in the morning.

"Hi can I see Merideth" Y/n asked and the lady gave her a wierd look.

"At 4 am?" She asked Y/n who keep a tight smile on her face.

"Its her birthday so wanted to suprise her early in the morning, please this would be the first year" Y/n said making tears brim her eyes

"Fine just make it quick, room 573 down that hall" The lady said and pointed down the hallway to her right.

Y/n gaved her another fake smile before turning on her heel towards the hallway. 569, 571, 573 Y/n stopped in front of the door as she heard mumbling coming from inside. She pushed the door open to see Merideth sitting on her bed with a tape recorder in her hand talking into the small mic.

"I dont apperciate being hunted by assassians sweetheart" Y/n said making herself known as she leaned off the wall.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" Merideth rushed pushing the tape recorder under her pillow.

"I know you're the benefactor Merideth and like I said I dont like being hunted" Y/n held up her hand and stared at it as her claws retracted, "Nah see I wasnt made to be the prey, Ive always been a predator. You on the other hand, my darling will always be the prey" Y/n took her pointer finger draging it down the girls cheek before slicing it quick making Merideth wince.

"How do I stop the deadpool?" Y/n asked getting no answer in return. "You like the hard way I see, my favorite" She smirked before wrapping her hand around the girls neck. "How do I stop the deadpool?!" Y/n demanded.

"It stops when Im dead" Merideth struggled to get out making Y/n smile and release her grip a little bit.

"Thank you" Y/n gave her a sweet smile "Now goodbye little mouse" Y/n slashed her claws across Merideths neck sending her lifless body to the ground.

Y/n walked out of the hospital giving the lady a sweet smile once again before heading back to Dereks loft and falling asleep at the table she had previously been at with a smile on her face. She had saved herself and her friends, she was pretty proud.

The pack woke up the next morning expecting to see an excited Y/n ready to tell them she had solved the deadpool but instead that were met with the girl asleep halfway on the comupter and papers with a smile on her face.

"Wow sleeping on the job" Malia commented rolling her eyes before walking off.

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