-whatever it takes

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I was walking down the hallway with my boyfriend Liam and our friends Mason and Corey when a group of lacrosse players came up to us. They walked to us and snatched Liam before pushing him to a abandoned classroom.

We ran after him breaking past a crowd of students hearing Nolan yell, "Just shift Dunbar!" I pushed past the group and tried to run through the door when two players grabbed me holding me back making me watch as my boyfriend was getting beaten.

"Liam!" I screamed his name and over until my voice hurt too bad. I watched as they punched him in the face, kicked him in the face and stomach.

Tears were pouring down my face and I was having trouble containing my anger as I watch them. I dug my claws into my hands making blood drip when I saw the kick Liam in the face making him scream in pain before laying back on the ground.

His beautiful blue eyes locked on mine as he whimpered in pain and that's when I lost it my once e/c eyes turned a bright yellow color as I shoved the boys holding me back against the wall.

I ran over and grabbed Nolan throwing him against the floor baring my teeth at him before crouching in front of Liam.

"My poor baby" I told him hugging him.

"You screwed up y/n/n" he told me pointing behind me making my still yellow eyes come in contact with so many phones recording.

"Let's go" I felt someone put their hand on my shirt ripping me up and grabbing Liam's arm.

Liam walked as I was carried out of the school and dumped in the back of Roscoe. Neither Liam, Scott, Stiles or myself say anything the whole ride to Scott's house. When we pulled up I saw the rest of the packs cars 'this should be fun' I thought.

I walked into the kitchen when Scott screamed at me, "What the hell were you thinking?!"

"I wasn't" I told him honestly.

"You weren't thinking god y/n how-" I interrupted him.

"You love Malia right?" I asked him and he nodded looking confused.

"Lydia you love Stiles right? And vise versa" And they both told me yes.

"And if they were in Liam's position you would do anything you could to help them. Y'all you would have done what I did, we would do whatever it takes for the people we love not to be in pain. I hated seeing Liam screaming and whimpering in pain, I felt defenseless. If making the person I love safe means giving my secret away then I don't care" I truthfully told them.

"I would do whatever it takes for him" I told them before looking at Liam who walked over and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Your right I would have done the same. We'll figure something out" Scott told me.

"I love you" Liam told me smiling down at me.

"I love you so much Liam Dunbar" I whispered placing my forehead on his.

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