-learn to swim

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You know that feeling when you love someone so much it's like you can't breathe until your with them and when your with them you never want to leave their side, never want them to leave you.

Until they do leave and it's in the moment you forget how to breathe, you feel almost as if your drowning. You choke back your tears as you feel your lungs gasping for air, the relief it needs but they don't get what they want.

That's the sad thing in life we don't always get what we want. Your lungs wanted to breathe, your eyes wanted to dry, your heart wanted to be whole again and you just want the one person who made everything right back in your arms, but you can never have them. Never have what you want, so instead your left drowning alone.

You never believed in putting your entire life into one boys hands, relying all your happiness onto that one person until you met him. It was like the moment you met him you could see color, you could breathe perfectly and live life to the fullest then one day all of that was ripped away from you.

They say death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints it just takes and it takes and it takes. Death doesn't care if your old or young, if your smart or dumb, death doesn't care if your in love.

Death does not care that you are the only thing keeping this person from drowning, keeping them alive and giving them everything they could ever need just to have it taken away in a split second.

You realized that, in fact you could put everything you had into one person. All your love, trust, tears, time, everything you had could go into one person and you realized that as you stood in front of the people who was out to kill them, with Brett by your side.

You just wanted to live happily ever after with the boy you called your Prince Charming but you realized that this was not a fairytale and you were no Cinderella.

It took one look from him for you to realize that. To realize this was the last time you would ever see his blue eyes staring back into yours, the last time you would ever hold his warm hand in yours, and sadly the last time you would ever be able to tell him you loved him.


You stood their in shock as the burning in your lungs intensified, your throat becoming raw as you gasped for breathes. The feeling you had forgotten was slowly coming back, the feeling of pain, of being heartbroken, the feeling of drowning.

As you laid on the ground gasping for a breathe anything to satisfy your lungs but remember when I said you don't get everything you want? Well that wasn't fully true. Yes your lungs wanted air but didn't get it. Your heart wanted to be whole again but never would from that moment on. Yes your eyes wanted to dry but they couldn't as water steadily poured from them.

But you did get on thing you wanted. As the last bit of air left your lungs your body collapsed on the ground, your blood slowing to a stop no longer pumping through your veins as your heart stopped beating. Your head laid on Brett's chest that was no longer rising with steady breathing as your arm laid across his chest.

So yes death may be cruel, it may take everything away from you including the love of your life but it did give you one thing you wanted. You wanted to have the one person who made everything alright back in your arms and now you have that.

Death could not leave you to drown alone, that would be like standing there while you drown in front of its eyes as it was screaming 'learn to swim'.

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