-your anchor

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Derek was in the run down bus tying down his new betas for thier first moon. He had handcuffed Erica and Boyd to these poles before strapping Isaac down to a chair.

"How come you dont shift?" Erica asked before screaming in agony from the nails going into her skull.

"Ive learned to control it, I found an anchor" Derek told her before pulling on Isaacs chains to make sure they were tight enough.

"Whats an anchor?" Isaac asked before you could hear his back cracking.

"An anchor is something or someone who you can use to keep your calm, to keep you grounded" He explained to them before all hell broke loose.

They began to shift when Derek walked out to make a call, "Hey y/n I need your help" he hung up hoping she would hurry and come.

Isaac broke out of his chains before jumping out of the window. Y/n ran into the room to come face to face with a werewolf that looked like her boyfriend, she took a deep breathe before taking a step towards him.

"Isaac. Hey baby, your doing good okay. I just need you to remain claim and not hurt anyone, your doing really good okay. Just breathe and look at me, look at my eyes and find an anchor" Y/n told him looking into his yellow eyes trying to keep him calm.

Isaac stared at the girl he loved, her body covered in his lacrosse jersey with a pair of shorts, her h/c in a messy bun, and her beautiful e/c eyes staring back into his yellow onces. She grabbed his hands making his nails go back into his hands, his hair disapear and his eyes going back to their normal beautiful shade of blue.

"I think I already have" He told y/n before bringing her body close to his hugging her tightly. "I love you" He told her kissing the top of her head.

"I love you too Isaac" She kissed his lips in a quick sweet kiss before he walked back into the bus.

"Looks like you've found an anchor" Derek told him proudly as Isaac set back down in the seat. "What was it?"

"Y/n" Isaac told Derek looking at the girl- who was standing in the door way- giving her a big doopy smile making her giggle.

"Of course she is, ah young love" He joked before walking over to the other betas.

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