-dont have to

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I ran around the school looking for Stiles, I knew he was here, he had to be. I turned every corner hoping to see the familair brown hair and amber eyed boy, but every time I was only faced with an empty hallway.

"Ill never find him" I whipered in defeat as I passed by an open locker, I walked over to it opening wider to see it was Stiles locker.

I looked at the door of his locker to see pictures of me and him, there was one of us in third grade, when we met. I saw another one from when he forced me to dance with him at the spring formal, I would never admit it to him but I loved dancing with his goofy self. The last one was from when we had fallen asleep on his couch while watching Starwars, I had my arms around his waist while my head was on his chest.

I didnt realize I was crying until I saw a tear drop fall onto the picture I was holding, I quickly hung up the photo before shutting the door and running back down the hallway now with tears pouring down my face.

"Stiles!" I screamed his name over and over until my throat was raw.

I walked into the locker room about to give up as tears poured down my face at the thought of never telling my best freind that I loved as much as he loved me.

"y/n?" Someone whispered is disbelief, I looked up to see the brown haired boy ive been looking for standing infront of me.

"I didnt say it back" I whispered my voice cracking, he shook his head walking towards me.

"You dont have to" He said before smashing our lips together, they moved in sync perfectly as he hands went to my cheeks as mine wrapped around his neck. Our lips moved with so much passion and love our lips were saying everything we couldnt put into words and I was so thankfully for that.

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