-how long

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A/N: This is inspired by Charlie Puths song, 'How Long' I recomend listening to it while reading. Also this is about the reader cheating I just want to make it clear that in no way, shape, or form is cheating okay. If you want to see other people please break up with them if you do that yeah youll break their heart but by cheating you not only break thier heart, but also thier trust and it will take a lot of time for them to even think about dating again.

Y/n walked into Dereks loft and walked into the kitchen to see Isaac standing their infront of the stove without a shirt on. She walked behind him placing her arms around his waist, kissing his back and shoulders making him laugh before turning around to look at her.

"Dereks coming back tomorrow" Y/n pouted while Isaac moved a piece of hair behind her ear.

Derek had been gone to Mexico for two months and lets just say Y/n and Isaac knew how to keep each other entertained for that entire time.

"Then just break up with him baby" Isaac told her kissing her head.

"I know I should but hes already on edge and not in the best mood imagine how hell be when hes all that plus heart broken" Y/n explained hosting herself up on the bar.

"True so lets make the most of today before he comes back" He smirked at her before slamming his lips to hers.

The pack set on the couch in Dereks loft waiting for him to come in since he was coming home today.

"You excited to see him again?" Lydia asked her smiling.

"Yeah" She faked a smile and Scott looked at her weird but Y/n just shook him off.

They set there talking about everything like school, lacrosse, and of course the supernatural until the door opened.

"Derek!" Y/n yelled his name running and hugging him. He chucked before grabbing her face and kissing her, god he had missed her so much the past two months.

He pulled away from the kiss before she could even kiss back making her look at him confused, everyone watched him with confusion written on his face as his tongue licked his lips.

"Your wearing cherry chapstick" Derek told her and Y/n giggled.

"Well yeah"

"You hate cherry chapstick but its Isaacs favorite" He pointed out looking between the two.

"I need chapstick so I barrowed his" She said but it came out as more of a question.

"You wouldnt do that I know you, so I want you to look at me and tell me you didint hook up with Isaac while I was gone" Derek crossed his arms over his chest staring at her as her eyes shifted to the pack while the watched wanting to know what would happen.

"I did not hook up with Isaac wh-" Y/n began but was cut off as the werewolves sighed at the sounded of her heart beat picking up meaning one thing, she was lying. 

"I cant believe you" He drly laughed with zero humor behind it.

"No Derek just listen, I can explain" Y/n pleaded with him.

"How long?" He demanded and Y/n didnt say anything just looked at the ground. "Damn it Y/n how long?!" He yelled this time causing her to jump.

"Since you left" She mumbled but he surely heard her.

"Get out" He calmly told her.

"Derek listen to my please-" She tried to plead but was cut off.

"Get the hell out!" He yelled making her jump again before walking to the couch ignoring the disapointed looks of the pack and grabbed her bag with her phone.

"Isaac get out" Derek told him as Y/n stood in the doorway.

"Derek-" Isaac began but was cut off by a a glass being thrown at him and shattered right above his head.

"Derek!" Y/n scream running over to Isaac looking at his face to make sure he was okay

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"Derek!" Y/n scream running over to Isaac looking at his face to make sure he was okay.

"Im fine Y/n/ns" He told her before grabbing his phone and her hand and walking out the door shutting it behind them.

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