-message beyond the grave

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Liam walked out of the boys locker room after having a mini meeting with Scott, Stiles and Isaac when he turned to the right almost running into a girl with (short/long) h/c hair and e/c.

"Im sorry, I wasnt paying attention" He appologized and the girl looked at him with a mix of shock and confusion written on her face.

"You can see me?" She asked him and he gave her a confused look.

"Why wouldnt I be able to see you?" He questioned looking her up and down.

"Becuase Im dead" She told him.

For the next month Y/n followed the new beta around watching over him and his pack, her old pack, the people who were her family. Today was the day Liam was going to tell them about being able to see her, he knew they wouldnt believe him but when he told them about Y/n they would have to since they never told him about her and she died two years before he was even beaten.

Liam walked into Scotts house with Y/n walking beside him, he walked into the livingroom to see the pack on the couch.

"Hey guys" Liam waved and they replied with a hello or a wave back.

The pack meeting went as normal with Scott talking about the new danger, Stiles sharing the information he found during research and coming up with a plan. Now that they had finished it was time for Liam to tell them about Y/n. Liams leg was shaking nervously and he took a deep breathe making Y/n look over to give him a reasurring smile.

"Go on Liam they'll believe you I promise" Y/n smiled at the younger boy as he stood up making the pack look at him.

"I have to tell yall something and I know this is going to be hard to believe but I promise Im not lying, I couldnt even lie about something like this" Liam told taking another deep breathe to calm his raging nerves.

"Okay Liam we will believe you continue" Scott told him as he watched with curiousity.

"I can see ghost, well only one" Liam told them and Stiles started laughing along with a few others. "Y/n I can see and talk to her" everyone stopped laughing and just stared at him.

"This isnt funny Liam, you didnt know her you cant make jokes about that!" Isaac said standing up getting defensive.

"Tell them the story of how I died, tell them about how I told you. How I told you what it was like to be Stiles best friend, Scotts twin and how it felt to be loved by Isaac" Y/n told him smiling at him.

"Im not joking Isaac. I know how she died, she told me. She told me the oni tried to stab Allison but Y/n pushed her out of the way so she would die instead. Y/n told me why she did that, she said it was becuase Allison made mistakes but she knew they were wrong and choose the right side in the end. It takes a truly good person to know what side is right and wrong, to choose the right side in the end even after having the taste of evil." Liam looked up to see everyone with sad looks on their face and tears in Allisons eyes.

"Y/n said she beileved Allison had a whole life a head of her, she needed to continue to make things right, to continue to protect the ones who couldnt protect themselves. Y/n had already lived her life the way she wanted, she had felt everything . She knew she would die happy" Liam explained as tears spilled from everyone eyes.

"Continue please, I want you to tell them everything I never could" Y/n told him and he nodded.

"She wants you Scott to know that you were the best twin she could ever ask for and even though you were a pain in the ass sometimes you were a damn good brother. You need to continue to protect everyone and she is proud of the Alpha you have become" Scott smiled sadly at the younger boy.

"Stiles she wants you to know that she was very gratful to have you as a best friend, since you were the only who got her sarcasm. Also she wants me to tell you, that you can finally have her mets hat you have been begging her for since the fourth grade. I wasnt going to say this but she said I had to say it, she said if you and Lydia dont admit your feels for each other already she can even tell and shes dead" Liam told them slightly laughing making everyone else laugh sadly.

"Isaac she wants you to know it was an honor to be loved by you. You showed her what it was like to have a best freind, boyfriend and soulmate all in one, you showed her what it was like to be able to love so much you would die for them in a heart beat. She just wants you to know that she was honored to be able to be the one who you fell asleep with, the one you laughed with and the one you loved. She said she couldnt anymore proud of the person you have become" Liam smiled sadly at them before looking at Y/n who had a smile on her face but tears in her eyes.

"Tell them I love them and..." Y/n told Liam.

"She said she loves all of you and that she will always be with yall no matter what. Also wants to thank yall for being her family and making her into the person she is today"

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