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I was at comic con with my cast answering cast at the panel at the moment.

"So y/n what is it like to star on this show?" The host asked me.

"It was really fun and I love my cast, umm this is going to sound conceited please don't think of me like that, but since this is like the fourth show I've stared on it was pretty easy, I mean I've never played a vampire before but yeah" I laughed.

"Yeah y/n is so conceited all she does on set it brag about how many shows she stared in" Ian told everyone laughing.

"Ian shut up I do not!" We bickered back and fourth making the cast and fans laugh at our childishness.

"Well let's talk about your other shows so tell us all the shows you've stared in and then say which one was your favorite" the host told me and I agreed.

"Yeah y/n which one was your favorite?" Paul teased and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"So I obviously play Elena on this show, The Vampire Diaries. Then I played Clark in The 100, Spencer I'm Pretty Little Liars, Cali in The Fosters, and lastly I played Serena van der Woodsen in Gossip Girl" I told them.

"Whoa so you really have stared in a lot" she laughed. "So which was your favorite?"

"Ahh that's so hard cause I love all the shows and the cast but my favorite is between this show and Pretty Little Lairs" I told them.

We continued to ask questions until the panel was over and I decided to walk around and meet fans.

"Omg your y/n y/l/n!" This boy yelled and a group of people ran towards me.

"Yep that's me, hi" I smiled at them. "Hold on you look so familiar" I told this boy with brown hair and whiskey colored eyes.

"Well we are the cast of Teen Wolf" one guy laughed.

"Oh, sorry I don't watch it. I would love to because I've heard it's amazing but I have zero time" I laughed.

Everyone told me there name except the guy before because I asked him not too because I knew it.

"Hold on don't think I'm crazy I swear I know it" I laughed.

"If you know my name I will probably pass out, your my all time favorite actress and my celebrity crush" he said embarrassed.

"Aww, I got it!" I yelled "sorry, your Dylan O'Brien you played Thomas in The Maze Runner, it one of my favorite movies" I told him.

"Oh my god, she watches my movies. I. Am. Starstruck" he told his cast in disbelief.

"We can tell" Holland laughed.

"Yo y/n!" Paul called me.

"Sorry it was really nice meeting y'all but I have to go" I told them before kissing Dylan's cheek and walking off to me cast.

"She just kissed me" he said in disbelief touching his cheek, making his friends laugh an and me giggle.

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