-my son

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The pack set in the living room of Derek and Y/ns house waiting for Stiles to finish the popcorn so they could watch a movie.

"What movie are we going to watch?" Derek asked from his spot on the couch where he set with his wife, Y/n leaning into him, his arm wrapped around her waist.

"Star Wars!" Stiles yelled from the kitchen.

"No!!" Everyone yelled back at the same time making them laugh.

The pack set there argueing over which movie they wanted to watch until Y/n realized once person was yet to voice their opinion and that was Y/n and Dereks 15 year old son they adopted three years ago, Liam.

"Shut up!" Y/n yelled making everyone quiet down and look at her. "Liam what do you want to watch?" She asked pushing back his hair.

"Jurassic World" He responded before the doorbell went off.

"Ill get it" Y/n said untangling herself from Derek walking to the door thinking it was the pizza they ordered.

"Liam we already watch that movie a million time, we are not watching it again" Lydia told him.

"Yeah not watching it" Stiles crossed his arms. Y/n poked her head back into the living room and whistled making everyones head turn towards her where she wore a smug look on her face.

"Whatever my baby wants, he gets. Scott put in the movie" Y/n smirked before turning on her heel to answer the door as she heard the pack groan as Derek and Liam laughed.

Y/n opened the door to see a woman about 45 years old, so way older that Y/ns 23 year old self. She had dark bags under her eyes, a few teeth missing and her hair looked as if it hadnt been bruhsed in a few years- she was definatly on some hard drugs.

"Hi, how can I help you?" Y/n asked polietly.

"Im looking for my son" The woman responded trying to walk in but Y/n put her arm up blocking her from entering.

"Okay and can I get his name?" Y/n was confused on whos mother this could be since Isaacs mom wasnt in the picture, she was friends with Melissa (Scotts mom) since they worked at the hospital together, Stiles mom had passed away and she was Liams mom. This lady most have the wrong place.

"No Im here to get my son" She said before pushing Y/n and making her stumbled back, allowing her into the home.

The lady charge down the hallway looking for where the son of this woman would be as Y/n was hot on her trail.

"Listen lady, your gonna wanna leave before I call the cops for tresspassing!" Y/n raised her voice making Derek yell out to her.

"Babe whats going on?!" Derek called out to his girlfriend hearing her talking to someone in the dinning room.

The woman heard his voice and figured her son would be in the room with the unknown man so she followed his voice into the livingroom. By the time they were at the entrance to the livingroom the h/c had enough of this lady charging around her and her familys home.

"Okay listen lady Im calling the cops if you are not out of my house in three seconds" Y/n threatened.

"Y/n who is this?" Derek asked standing up from the couch making his way to his wife and the strange woman and walking them into the hall so the pack did not see the transaction.

"I dont know she said she was looking for her son and barged into our house" Y/n explained to her husband.

"Okay either tell me your sons name or get the hell out of my house" Derek demanded and stood in front of y/n.

"Liam my sons name is Liam" The lady told them.

"No Liam is my son, we adopted him" Y/n immediatley told her, getting protective over her baby.

"Like hell you did, now move Im going to take back my son" She pushed past the married couple into the livingroom.

"Liam get up now" The lady demanded as she stood in front of the couch were the pack was seated.

Y/n walked into the livingroom with Derek hot on her trail before she was in front of the woman shoving her back away from her son.

"Listen here bitch, I tried to be nice and I only do that once. No one demands anything from my son, you hear that mean lady MY SON not yours, now get the fuck out of my house before I beat the shit out of you" Y/n threatened making the teenagers look at her in suprise since she was always so sweet and the peacemaker, this was a completely new side of Y/n they had never seen.

"I better your a terrible mother and you dont even love the little bitch" The lady smugly said before turning and walking to the door but before she could even take a step Y/n had a hand full of her nappy brown hair slaming her onto the ground.

The 23 year old straddled the older woman throwing punches to her face making her nose, jaw and cheek bone crack as her face covered in thick red blood. The lady reached up to grab Y/ns hair but she grabbed the ladys hand slamming it to the ground before slamming her fist back into the womans face, screwing it up more than the drugs she was on ever could.

The small girl keep swinging as she was lifted in the air away from the older woman who was being shoved out by Scott and Isaac. When the door shut everyones head snapped to the girl whos knockles were now covered in the thick red blood of the lady who gave birth to Liam, you couldnt even call her a mother at all.

"Are you okay?" Malia asked barely above a whisper like Malia of all people was scared to speak.

"Yeah Im fine Lia" Y/n told her before looking down at her hands then started crying. "Im sorry, I didnt mean to it was like something inside of me snapped and at first I was scared she was going to take him then when she started say those things it was like-"

"Momma bear came out?" Stiles asked and Y/n nodded. "Trust me I know all about that have you seen Melissa she looks innocent and small like you but let someone mess with Scott, may the rest in peace or in their case probaly peices" Stiles told her making everyone laugh.

"Babe you did want any mother would have done with they felt threatened in their own home and like they would loose their baby, if were being honest I was ready to rip her throat out with my teeth but not too sure how to explain a mountain lion broke into our home and only attacked the strange woman" Derek told her making her laugh as she sniffled.

As Y/n set there she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and a head being laid on her shoulder.

"Thank you for not letting her take me" Liam told her. "And I know you love me, you only tell me like 10 times a day. Also just so you know your the best mom I could ask for" He told her and Y/n pulled the younger boy closer to her huggging him tighter before whispering in his ear for what was probaly the 11th time today.

"I love you"

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