-all alive

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"Y/n! No Y/n baby please, don't leave me" Scott cried holding the love of his life Y/n in his arms as she heart stopped beating and her chest stopped rising and falling in steady movements.

"Scott come on we have to tell the police" Lydia wiped her cheeks from the salty water that was dripping down everyone's face.

"Come on we have to go before they come back" Allison said grabbing his arm dragging him away from his girlfriends body.

The pack disappeared into the dark but not before giving their dear friends lifeless body one last desperate glance for any sign of life.

Y/n shot up from the cement that was covered in her dark blood. Her eyes frantically searched her surroundings not understanding why she's wasn't dead until they landed on the last person she wanted to see.

"You going to be a big help little one" Gerald gave her an evil smile.

"Do you know the rest Scott?" Gerald's voice rang through the radio of Stiles Jeep.

"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war" Derek answered for him.

"War indeed welcome back Derek. Aren't you please with the little family reunion I've given you Scott?"

"Why don't you come and I can think you in person?" Scott told him.

"I even have a few visitors for you" Gerald said making them look between each other.

"How about one from London? Someone like Jackson Whittemore. Or someone you thought was dead?" Gerald taunted them making them confused by who else he could mean.

"Say hello Y/n" Gerald said walking towards her with the electric stick.

"No please, please" Y/ns pleads and whimpers filled the speakers before her tear jerking scream replaced it.

"Y/n!" Scott screamed her name making Gerald laugh.

"Come find us Scott and maybe she'll still be alive" Gerald said cutting off the signal.

"Y/ns alive?" Lydia asked with teary eyes at the thought of her best friend still being here.

"She is and she saved my life now it's my turn to save hers. So let's do this" Allison said pulling out an arrow.

"Okay Y/n you can do this" Y/n talked herself up trying to get the courage to kick down the door and walk outside.

To anyone else walking outside wasn't a big deal, they would be more than ready to after being held captive by this man for leverage against your friends who thought you were dead for three years.

Y/n shook her head mad at herself that she let this man change her into a scared little girl when she was anything but that. She was a strong girl who didn't need anyone, she thought as she kicked down the door.


"Stiles!" Y/n said shocked at the boy standing on the other side of the door


"Lydia!" Y/n screamed as her strawberry blonde best friend ran to her wrapping her arms around Y/ns neck crying into her shoulder.

"I can't believe your alive" Lydia said pulling away.

"You think I would leave before Stydia happened?" Y/n joked before hugging Stiles.

"Now where's Scott?" Y/n asked turning serious.

"Scott!" Y/n screamed running into the school library.

"Y/n?!" The pack yelled her name at the same time but she shook them off for the moment being.

"Why isn't he healing?!" She asked confused.

"He needs a distraction, so he won't focus on it. He's trying to hard" Allison explained to her.

"Kiss him!" Lydia yelled making everyone look at her causing her to roll her eyes. "It will distract him, trust me" She said the last part glancing at Stiles smiling making him grab her hand intertwining their fingers.

Y/n grabbed the sides of his face placing her lips on to his both of them sighing in content at the feeling. She backed away to see his red eyes shinning into her bright e/c ones.

"Hi" Y/n breathe out slightly laughing.

The entire pack stood in the parking lot with this new kid named Alec.

"Who are they?" Alec asked looking at the young adults standing around him and Scott.

"My friends. My pack" Scott said smiling at them.

"Is everyone like you?" Alec asked.

"Some of them" Scott said looking at Malia and Derek before his eyes drifted to the rest of supernatural creatures.

"And some are human who make up for it by being incredibly smart" He said looking at Lydia- who smiled, Y/n- who shook her head lightly with a smile o her face, and Stiles- who winked.

"Your gonna let me be in your pack?" Alec asked hopeful.

"Yeah If you want,  I mean we've been through some crazy and dangerous stuff" Scott told him.

"At least your all alive" Alec told him.

"At least your all alive" Liam said to Scott and the pack.

"Not all of us" Scott said images of Y/ns lifeless body coming to mind.

Scott looked from the boy to the h/c girl leaning against his bike with a smile on his face before turning back to Alec.

"Yeah, yeah we are"

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