-spring cleaning

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The 16 year old girl walked down the stairs of her home she had lived in since she was adopted at the age of three. She had woken up at 12 which was not good considering while her parents were at work she had a lot of spring cleaning to do so she thought it would be a good idea to not procrastinate and get started.

The first place she decided to start was her parents bedroom since it would be the easiest considering they always keep it clean, she decided she would clean out the closet since it was way to cluttered for her liking. She pushed her mothers coats to the side to reveal a peice of board that hung loosley on the wall and she let her curiusity get the best of her as she pulled the board-very easily-away from the wall to reavel a shoe box.

'Why would they go through all that trouble to hide a stupid shoe box?' Y/n wondered to herself think it was really bizzare before grabbing the box and taking a seat on the floor of the closet.

She pulled the green lid off of the pink and white stripped box before reaching her hand to pull out a stack of 'missing persons' new clippings. She looked over the clippings, they were all the same child and she decided to read one of them it said:

"Little girl age three years old goes missing while playing in the front yard with older brother. She was last scene wearing a blue shirt with a bunny on it and white shorts, she has short h/c hair and e/c eyes. If you find her contact Sheriff Stilinski since this is his daughter, her name is Y/n Stilinski"

Y/n threw the papers back down except for one while thinking it was a coincedence but once she walked into the living and on their mantle was a picture for the day they adopted Y/n. There she stood her h/c in pigtails while wearing a blue shirt with a bunny and white shorts. The girl shoved the paper and the photo into her pocket before running to her room to grab her keys, she would have grabbed her clothes but she didnt want anything these terrible people bought her.

She drove to the police station while tears poured down her face, she was mad that these people could take her away from her real family. Y/n could only imagine what it would be like to loose a child or a sibling, well she was an only child but she knew it probaly didnt feel good even though he probaly wasnt much older than her when she went missing.

"I need to speak to Sheriff Stilinski" Y/n told her wipping her tears.

"Honey, he has people-" Y/n cut her off.

"I dont mean to be rude but I really need him like now" She raised her voice loudly before the lady lead her into an office were an older man set behind the desk, she assumed it was the Sheriff while a group of two boys her age stood infront of the desk.

"Sheriff I told her you were busy, but she said it was urgent" The lady explained making him nod his head before telling the kids to leave and her to take a seat.

"What happended sweatheart?" Sheriff Stilinski asked her when the teens finally filled out.

"So I was doing some spring cleaning when I came across a box of missing persons new clippings so I read them. I realized it was my first name but they didnt mean anything then they described the outfits she was last seen in and there was a picture of me the day they said they adopted me wearing the same outfit" Y/n explained before pulling out the photo and the news clipping sliding it to him "I think Im your daughter" She told him making him walk out into the hallway.

"Scott call your mom and tell her to come down here, I need a DNA test now"

Melissa walked back into the room holding a peice of paper with a smile on her face, "Shes your daughter Noah" She told him before walking out into the hall leaving them alone.

Sheriff Stilinski stood up before pulling the girl into a hug while tears poured down his face, "I knew the moment I saw you, but I didnt want to get my hopes up"

"This is all so crazy" Y/n breathed out making him slightly laugh.

"I bet but I have someone I want you to meet come on" He placed a hand on her back before opening the door making the kids stand up.

"Dad whats going on? Why did you need a DNA test? Are you trying to prove Im not your kid? Are you tried of me? Im sorry! I love you dont get rid of me" Stiles begged his dad.

"Stiles be quiet Im not getting rid of you, I wouldnt need a DNA test to do that. I would only need a cardbard box and a permant marker" He told his son making everyone laugh.

"Whos she?" Stiles asked.

"This is Y/n" Stilinski said making Stiles eyes go wide looking at the girl. "Your twin sister" In the second those words came out his fathers mouth Stiles arms were wrapped around the girls small frame pulling her into a bone crushing hug as tears poured down his face until her grey tee-shirt.

"Im so glad your back" He whispered so only she could hear.

"Me too. Me too" She let out a breathe she hadnt known she'd been holding for the past 16 years.

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