-i dont have anyone

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Warning!! May be triggering for some readers, mentions rape and murder!!

"Isaac you dont have to do this" Derek told his beta knowing it would most likely kill the young boy.

Isaac looked at the pack before removing his shirt, "I dont have anyone to live for"

"No one? Not a single person?" Lydia asked him feeling sympathy for the curly head boy as he shook his head.

"I know your dads dead but what about your mom?" Allison asked

"She walked out on us when I was 1, she said she never wanted a child. She hated me for being born" He told them.

"So no siblings?" Lydia asked and he shook his head.

"What about a girlfriend? Have you ever had one? Ever been in love?" Scott questioned.

"I had one her name was Y/n, we dated for three years. God I loved her more than anything I would have died for her in a heartbeat and I still do" Isaac told them looking at the ground reliving the memories.

"Dude go get your girl then" Stiles said patting him on the back with a huge smile on his face that soon would drop.

"I cant, shes dead. She was raped and murdered on her sixteenth birthday, I came to her house to suprise her before her party and found her naked with her throat slit laying in the middle of her bedroom floor. To make things even worse she had her dress and shoes on her bed about to put them on before all that happened, she was also wearing the necklace with my name on it that I got her for her 13th birthday when we first started dating" Isaac explained a tear falling down his cheek but he quickly reached up and wiped it away.

"Isaac Im-" Allison reached a hand out but he just shrugged moving away.

"Its whatever, like I said I dont care if I die. Shes not here so I have no one"

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