-lacrosse field

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You set on the lacrosse field with your friends, y'all were hanging out on more time before you all went to college heading your separate ways.

You choose the lacrosse field to meet at because it was a special place to you it's where you met all these important people in your life.

You were sitting on the bleachers working on your calculus homework when a lacrosse ball landed in front of you feet.

You looked up to see a boy running towards you. He got to you and took of his helmet his beautiful brown eyes meeting you e/c ones.

"I think this belongs to you" you told him handing him the ball.

"Thanks. I'm Stiles" he stuck out his hand as you shook it.

"I'm y/n" you smiled at him.

You were running around the track listening to your music when you ran into someone. You heard a small scream leave their mouth.

"Oh my I'm so sorry" you told the strawberry blonde girl helping her up.

"It's okay" she looked you up and down "y/n right?"

"Yeah how do you know that" you asked her.

"We have calculus together" she told you.

"Oh yeah Lydia right? You sit beside Alison"

"Yeah that's me" she smiled at you.

Y'all talked for hours until it was midnight, you all got up and walked to your cars.

You placed your hand on the handle of your matte black Jeep when tears poured down your face. You turned around to see everyone looking at each other.

You walked to the middle of y'all cars while everyone did the same hugging each other.

"Im going to miss y'all so much" you told them.

"Hey this isn't goodbye y/n/n this is just a see you later" Scott shrugged his shoulders giving you a sad smile as he wiped your tears away.

"Yeah were going to call each other at least once a week and meet in person at least once a month. We are going to make this work" Lydia told y'all.

"Damn right we will. I already met the most important people in my life and I don't plan to loose them" Stiles said before pulling y'all back into a group hug.

Ten Years Later

Today was your highschool reunion and you were going to see people you haven spoke to in 9 years.

You and yours friends made a promise all those years ago and it only lasted about a year before y'all seemed to forget one another.

You walked into your living room to see your daughter 5 year old, Avery sitting on the couch watching Spongebob.

"Avery you ready to go?" You asked her brushing your fingers through her long brown hair.

"Where we going mommy?" She asked you, looking up at you with her brown-gold eyes that were identical to her fathers.

"Y/n come on we have to go" your husband told you excited to see his best friend after all these years.

"Okay we are going" you told him grabbing Avery's hand.

You, your daughter and your husband got out of the car. Your right hand was in Avery's and your left one was intertwined with his.

You walked into the highschool looking around when you heard an all go familiar voice.

"Y/n? Stiles?" You and your husband turned around to see no other than Scott McCall.

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