-losing you

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"The worst day of loving someone is the day you lose them"

Y/n walked around the town looking for her brothers, Ethan and Aiden. Everyone thought Ethan and Aiden was just twins what people didn't know it's that they were triplets and had a sister Y/n. They didn't want people to know because they knew they would use her to hurt them since she was only human.

Y/n saw what looking like flashlights flashing around coming from the highschool. She ran up the stairs throwing the door open looking around the school for her brothers or anyone for that matter.

Y/n heard a loud roar like a werewolf, she turned on her heel running up the stairs to see her bother Ethan being thrown into a wall by Chris Argent being knocked out cold.

Kate Argent shoved Aiden to the ground before snatching a sword from from Chris hand stabbing his straight in the chest. His body falling to the ground with a loud thud as they left him there for a slow painful death.

"Aiden!" I screamed running around the corner and to my brother.

"Y/n y-you shouldn't be here" he choked out.

"Well I am. Your going to be okay" y/n told him as tears filled her eyes and she pushed his hair off his forehead that was beaded with sweat.

"I'm not but that's okay. I was never the good guy anyways, I'm sorry I could be a better brother. I love you sissy" he told her taking his last breathe and dying in his slightly older sisters arms.

"Aiden! Aiden! No you can't leave me" Y/n cried laying her head on his chest that was no longer rising at a steady pace. "I love you too bubba" she mumbled against his chest as she sobbed.

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