-other schools party

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Y/n walked over to her best friend before whispering in her ear. Her best fried pulled away looking the girl up and down with a smirk on her face.

"You sure? Isn't your first time suppose to be special?" She asked.

"Ugh who cares! I already have the perfect boy" y/n told her before the door opened. "And there he is"

"There's the birthday girl" Stiles said going to hug her.

Y/n moved to kiss him on the lips, "Hey Stiles, glad you could come. Can you come with me to get a bottle of wine from down stairs?" She asked twirling a strand of h/c hair around her finger.

"Uh huh" he mumbled still shock from the kiss before y/n grabbed his hand tugging him to the cellar door.

"Shut the door" she told him and he did as she said.

"Remember when we were little and we use to-" y/n turned him around cutting him off with her lips.

"We never did that" he mumbled.

"Well were older now Stiles" Y/n smirked at him. "You know what I want for my birthday?"

"A bike" he said jokingly making her giggle.

"No its to not be a 17 year old virgin" She told him pushing him against the wine case before slamming her lips back to his moving them in a sloppy rhythm.

Her hands moved down to his belt before he pulled away, "have you never done this before?" She asked pulling her hands away.

"Turned 17? Nope" He told her smiling and y/n gave him a look giggling. "Okay no I haven't"

"Okay well if you don't want" Y/n bent down to pick up her heels "we don't have to" she spun on her heel walking towards the stairs.

He grabbed her wrist spinning her around into his chest making her giggles fill the room, "Hell I definitely want to" he said before kissing her again pushing her hair to the side moving his lips down her jaw to her neck.

Her hands went from around his neck to down his chest feeling every perfect muscle on his body before reaching he's belt once again as his lips worked on leaving marks all over her neck.

"I-I don't have any" He told her before she reached into her back pocket pulling out a condom, smirking and handed it to him.

His hands went back to her waist, "jump" he mumbled against her neck.

"Just to let you know this ain't just a one time thing after this your mine" He told her before pulling her shirt over her head,  kissing down her chest and body.

"Good" she said pushing his face up to meet her in a rushed kiss.

Sorry I didn't want to do Smut on this book but if you like smut check out my Sweet Love (Celebrity Smut) book.

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