-let me love you

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Based on 'Let me love you' by Mario

Y/n set in the lunch room at the table she always set at with her friends as she waited for her boyfriend Jackson. She turned her head at the sound of high pitched giggles to see a girl with bleach blonde hair hanging all over Jackson tracing her finger over the muscles in his body and the worst part was Jackson was loving every second of it. Y/n turned her head away from her boyfriend of two years to pick at her pasta with a fork ignoring the looks from the pack that was anything but sympathetic.

"Hey babe Ill be back in a bit, I need to umm get something from the car" Jackson said kissing her on cheek before walking out, a few seconds later the blonde walking out giggling.

Y/n looked up from her pasta to see them staring at her making her sigh before putting her back down.

"I just do get it, do you enjoy being hurt?" Stiles snapped making her look up at him. "I know you smell the perfume, the make up on his shirt. I mean we all know you dont believe his stories, you know there all lies"

"Stiles-" Scott went to cut him off but Stiles simply ignored him.

"No I just dont understand. I mean come on Y/n your the type of girl who deserves the world, a fistful of diamonds, a man who will love you becuase come on Y/n/ns your a star. Its no secret I have been in love with you since the third grade, I mean if I was your man baby you, youd never have to worry bout what I do because I would always come back to you"

"Stiles I-" Y/n began but he cut her off.

"What Im trying to say is Y/n you should let me love you, let me be the one to give you everything you want and need, good love and protection. Baby your true beuatys description, your a dime plus ninety-nine and its a shame you dont know what your worth" He said finally finishing his rant and looking his honey eyes with her e/c eyes.

Y/n stood up walking out of the cafeteria and out in the hallway to see something that if it was any other boy it would have suprised but it was Jackson Whittemore, him pressing the blonde against the locker kissing down her neck was no suprise.

The pack set there looking at Stiles with a sympathetic look until the heard screaming coming from the hallway grabbing the entire lunch room attention making them run out into the hallway where Y/n stood in front of Jackson as tears poured down her face screaming at him.

"TWO YEARS!! TWO YEARS OF MY LIFE I GAVE YOU JACKSON FOR WHAT?! FOR IT TO MEAN NOTHING TO YOU!! THESE PAST TWO YEARS YOU HAVE RAN AROUND ON ME EVERY SINGLE DAY IT WAS A NO GIRL, WHAT WAS THE POINT OF KEEPING ME AROUND?" She screamed then stopped waiting for a response and whe she didnt get one, she took three steps until they were only inches apart.

"Well I guess you should broke up with me because didnt you tell me the Jackson Whittemore has never been dumped?" She pretended to pounder on the thought making everyone snicker. "You did. Which is why this will feel amazing. So take a good look around Jackson your gonna remember this moment since this is me breaking up with you" Y/n turned on her heel flipping her hair before walking over to Stiles leaving everyone laughing at the stunned Jackson Whittemore.

Y/n stood in front of Stiles before grabbing the colar of his flannel before crashing his lips into hers, the moment their lips touched it wasnt the typical butterflys or fireworks it was simply a warm fuzzy feeling the same one you get from being on vaction then you come back home. Jackson was her terrible vacation but Stiles will always be her home.

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