-falling for you

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"Y/n pose you like this" Lydia to y/n before she copied her posing in front of the fountain.

"Alright now Malia you get up there beside her and do this" she showed them another pose and they copied her.

For the next hour y/n, Malia, and Alison was being instructed by Lydia on different poses to do in front of the fountain while they were not aware of a group of boys watching them.

"The photographers hot" Stiles told his friends.

"Nah the one with the short dirty blonde hair is hot" Theo told them.

"Okay your both wrong the girl right there" Scott pointed to y/n who was laughing at something Malia said. "She isn't hot, she beautiful"

"Alright y/n get on Malias back" y/n jumped on Malias back but Malia didn't catch her making y/n fall of the fountain.

She braced for impact but it never came instead someone caught her. Y/n opened her eyes to see a boy with beautiful brown eyes and black hair looking at her smiling.

"Hey thanks for catching" y/n told him.

"Don't worry about it I'm always down to catch beautiful girls" Scott flirted with her.

"Wow, I don't even know your name and I'm already falling for you" y/n flirted back smiling at him.

"Scott. Scott McCall" he told her sitting her on the ground.

"Y/n y/l/n" y/n told him before pushing a strand of h/c hair behind her ear.

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