-wont let anyone hurt you

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Y/n set in detention with her boyfriend Isaac. Y/n got detention for slamming Stiles into a locker becuase he was annoying her by asking a million questions, then Isaac got framed for beating up Ethan by Aiden.

"Alright Y/n, Isaac and Allison yall are going to restock the janitors closet" Mr.Harris told them making Y/n and Isaac grumble.

They walked down to the building where they keep all of the supplies need to restock, Isaac hand already found the spray and Allison had the napkins but Y/n couldnt find toliet paper.

"Yall go ahead, Ill meet yall there when I find it" Y/n told them looking on another shelf.

"You sure?" Isaac asked his girlfriend.

"Positive" She told him giving him a kiss on the cheek and she could have sworn she saw Allison roll her eyes.

Y/n ignored it and turned back looking for the box but it was no where to be seen. She had looked on every shelf and in every box but still could not find it.

"Looking for these?" A voice startled Y/n making her squeal before turning around and coming face to face with Aiden. She walked over and snatched it out of his hand,"Also you might wanna hury I can sense your boyfriends fear from here, who would have known he had a fear of small spaces"

Aiden smikred as Y/n gasped before throwing down the box and running out of the building and into the school. She ran around the corner hearing screaming, "No! No! Stop please stop!" the sound of Isaacs helpless crys broke her heart.

She saw a vending machine infront of the door so she texted Scott to come move it, she couldnt since she wasnt supernatural. She got closer to the door, she could see the door vibrating and Isaacs helpless screams.

Y/n ran to the door and crouched down infront of it, "Isaac listen to me okay? Please just listen to my voice, nothing is going to hurt you okay? No one is every going to touch you, not while Im breathing not the alpha pack, not an other supernatural creature and your dad isnt here to hurt you Isaac. Baby Im right here and your okay, Scott is on the way to get the door open." Y/n pleaded for him to stay calm through the door.

"Y/n I-I cant breathe. Please help me, please make it stop" Isaac cried his voice cracking making Y/ns eyes fill with tears. "Please dont let him hurt me, not again. not again" He mumbled making Y/n cry even more until the point she was sobbing.

Scott ran down the hallway before pulling Y/n out of the way and throwing the vending machine down the hallway. Y/n stood up and swung the door open before Allison ran into Scotts arm asking questions. Isaac was on the floor sobbing when Y/n set beside him crying while pulling him into her arms.

"Shh baby I got you, I told you I wont let anyone hurt you." She looked down and saw his eyes were closed but tears were still falling from them. "Open your eyes, let me see you beautiful eyes Isaac" She told him and he shook his head. "Do you trust me? Do you trust me to always keep you safe?" He nodded his head "Then open your eyes" His eyes slowly fluttered open revealing his beautiful blue eye that were wet from tears.

"I dont know what I would do without you" Isaac told her hugging her tightly.

"You wont ever have to find out. I love you way too much Isaac Lahey to ever leave you or let something hurt you" She said hugging his tighter running her fingers through his curly hair.

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