-guys day

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Derek, Scott, Stiles, Liam and Isaac set around Dereks loft having a guys day just drinking beer, playing video games and watching tv. The girls were all out shopping so this was the one day that boyfriends and girlfriends arent together.

"This is the life. No supernatural, school or homework and no girlfriends" Stiles said not taking his eyes of the video game he was playing against Derek in.

"Like dont get me wrong I love Allison but sometimes I just want to chill becuase its like everytime we hangout we have to talk about the supernatural or her family. I actually cant think of one conversation we've had that was normal" Scott said before zoning out trying to think of thier past conversations.

"At least yall have girlfriends" Liam mumbled under his breath taking a sip out of his grape juice. (I laughed too hard writing that bahaha)

"See Scott, Y/n and I dont have that problem like we have a rule where we dont talk about the supernatural becuase we dont want it to consume our lives. Instead we do like normal couple stuff: movie and dinner dates, study together, talk about our day, we do our best to maintain a healthy relationship" Isaac told them before checking his phone, seeing his wallpaper made him smile.

 Instead we do like normal couple stuff: movie and dinner dates, study together, talk about our day, we do our best to maintain a healthy relationship" Isaac told them before checking his phone, seeing his wallpaper made him smile

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"Okay this is cute and all but the point of guys day is to not-" Stiles was cut off by the door to Dereks loft opening, everyone looked at each other in confusion.

"Whos there?" Derek yelled before pausing the game, standing up in the door way while releasing his claws.

Y/n took off her jacket and shoes before turning around to see Derek in the door way with claws and glowing blue eyes which gave the girl a heart attack making her defensivly use her powers to send a gust of wind throwing him back into the room before falling straight on his ass.

"Omg Derek!" The boys stood up and ran over to him while Y/n walked into the livng room with a shy smile on her face feeling guily but in her defense she didnt know it was Derek.

"Sorry, I didnt know it was Derek!" She threw her hands up innocently.

"Y/n what are you doing here? It a guy and girls day so why arent you with the girls?" Liam asked me.

"Well you see-" Y/n stopped and tried to think of a reason why she was here but couldnt think of anything but the truth "I dont have a good reason, I just missed my baby" She said walking iver to hug Isaac, wrapping her arms around his torso as his went around her waist. "Also suprise" She said before pointing to the door and Allison walked in with Lydia.

They set on the couch watching 'The Notebook' while Isaac was laying on the couch as Y/n snuggled into his side placing her head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeats slowly drifting off.

"So much for guys day" Liam commented looked at Lydia who was curled into Stiles side sound asleep while Allison was the asleep in Scotts lap.

"I'd choose this over a guys day anytime" Isaac said kissing Y/ns head before she fell asleep with a smile on her face.

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