-over you

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Scott stood there leaning against his locker while he watched the girl in front of him push a strand of her h/c hair behind her ear before continuing the story about when she play volleyball at state but lost.

"I mean we still lost but it was fun" She laughed, the same laugh Scott loved just not coming from her mouth.

"Yeah I bet" He half smiled at the girl he had called he had been talking to.

The bell rang for her to go to first period but him and the pack had a free period so they stayed at thier lockers. Once the girl walked away the pack started laughing making him turn around to see what they were laughing about.

"What?" Scott asked them.

"Scott you dont like Tori, you only like her becuase she is literally a Y/n wannabe" Lydia told him examing her perfectly manicured nails.

"No she isnt, shes nothing like Y/n" Scott defended.

"Dude the h/c hair? Same as Y/ns. They have the same eye color they are even the same height and body shape" Stiles pointed out.

"Okay that doesnt prove anything so I have a type"

"How about her style? The ripped jeans, hightop white converse, tanktop and flannel tied around the waist. Y/n wears that everyday its her styles that Tori coppied" Isaac told him.

"And before you can come up with an exscuse about they arent the same" Malia interrupted. "They have the same laugh, she talks the same as Y/n, they are both on the volleyball and soccer team. Oh and how about the way when she gets excited she stutters, who else does that? Oh yeah Y/n! Tori is literally the dollar store verison of Y/n"

"Okay whatever! Its not my fault I cant get over Y/n okay! Im sorry but she was my first love and someone she will always love, I mean just look at her" Scott pointed over to the girl who was leaning on her locker discretley listening to them due to her vampire hearing but made it look like she was laughing with her friends.

"I mean shes perfect. I love her laugh and the way her eyes sparkle and how she stutters when she gets excited then gets embarassed but I think its the cutest thing ever. I love how she doesnt care what people think about her, or the fact of how she looks like a total bitch but when you talk to her shes the sweetest and most caring person you'll ever meet. She is literally perfect and Ill always be in love with Y/n, I just cant get over her." Scott said in one breathe.

"Aww Scotty" Lydia said rubbing his back for comfort.

Y/n pushed off her locker before walking over to Scott who opened his mouth to ask what she was doing but was cut off by her hands grabing the colar of his shirt smashing his lips into hers. It was-as cliche as it sounds-literal fireworks and they loved every second of it.

Y/n pulled away before resting her forehead on his before breathing out, "Im sure as hell not over you either" as soon as they left her mouth a huge smile made its way onto Scotts face.

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