-comic con

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"Y/n wake up" Daniel ran his finger down Y/ns arm trying to wake her. "Beautiful you have to wake up" He said and started shaking her arm but she still didn't budge. "Alright you asked for it" he shoved her off the bed making her hit the soft carpet with a thud.

"Ow" Y/n mumbled sitting up and looking at him as he laid on his stomach smirking at her. "I hate you" she told him smacking him with a pillow.

"Your the one who agreed to marry me" he smirked again making Y/n roll her eyes.

"Really regretting my decision the more you wake me up like that" She playfully glared at him as he threw a pillow at her making her laugh before going into the bathroom to do her business.

Y/n stood in front of her closet trying to decided between her two outfits choices until she finally decided on one. She put on the dress and choker before walking into the bathroom to do her hair and makeup.

"God I am so damn lucky to have you as my wife" Daniel said wrapping his arms around her waist making Y/n giggle before turning around in his arms to peck his lips

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"God I am so damn lucky to have you as my wife" Daniel said wrapping his arms around her waist making Y/n giggle before turning around in his arms to peck his lips.

"So comic con, we haven't been their since we finished teen wolf three years ago" Y/n said remembering those times "I'm so excited to see them again!" She told him.

"Who are you most excited to see again?" Daniel asked her opening her car door as she got in telling him a thank you.

"I don't even know! Like I would say Colton but I see him literally all the time because that's my bestie like I saw him yesterday when we went to brunch" Y/n told him laughing.

Y/n and Daniel talked for the rest of the way there until the pulled up giving the keys to the guy (idk what it's called!) Daniel walked around opening her car door grabbing her hand walking in with his arm around her waist.

They walked to the back of the stage where a lady took them to different areas for them to wait for their name to be called. Y/n stood in front of the mirror taking a deep breathe before taking a sip of water to calm her raging nerves.

"Daniel Sherman!" She heard his name called making her smile.

Then she wondered, would she be called out by her maiden name Y/n Y/l/n or her name now Y/n Sharman? They probably didn't even know they were married since all they did was go to the court house and get the marriage license, they felt like they didn't need a big ceremony to show they loved each they already knew they did.

"Y/n Y/l/n!" She heard her name be called. 'Well that answers my question' Y/n thought to herself.

She fixed her dressed before walking onto the stage waving at the fans with a huge smile on her face. The fans were screaming her name and going crazy while the cast was hollering making her giggle. Y/n walked across the stage and took her seat beside Daniel.

"Alright guys and that's the last one to be called out so let's get started" The interviewee Taylor said to the crowd.

"Aww y'all saved the best for last" Y/n joked in her mic making everyone laugh.

"Alright so the first question we want to know is who do y'all see the most or do y'all see any of each other?" Taylor asked and it started at the top with Dylan O'Brien.

"Well I see Posey sometimes but I've been busy with filming my new movie at the moment" He said before passing the mic to Posey.

"Yeah I just see Dylan and that's pretty much it" He told everyone.

Everyone continued saying they saw either one of the cast mates or most of them said they hadn't seen any of each other, then the mic was passed to Colton.

"I see Y/n like pretty much everyday and if not that at least twice a week and with seeing her I see Daniel" he told them smiling at Y/n while she smiled back at him.

"Yeah so I see Colton since he hangs out with Y/n a lot because as Y/n likes to say their besties" Daniel told them making everyone laugh. "Then yeah I see Y/n everyday" he told them before passing the mic to her.

"Yeah just Colton because what can I say he is my bestie" Y/n smiled twisting her wedding ring around her finger, it was a nervous tick she had. "And-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt but is that a wedding ring I see?" Taylor asked smiling.

"Oh my god! You got married?!" Posey and Dylan O'Brien yelled into the mics at the same time.

"Why was I informed of this?! Who knew about it?! I swear if any of the cast knew!" Holland said trying to look mad but was smiling.

"Okay to answer your questions, Taylor yes I am happily married and have been for two years. Tyler and Dylan yeah I'm married" She told them giggling "Holland I'm sorry we didn't invite anyone! Only Daniel and Colton knew about it" she told her sheepishly.

"Well let me see the ring" Holland sighed as Y/n held up her hand.

"Oh my that's beautiful!" Crystal said while the girls agreed

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"Oh my that's beautiful!" Crystal said while the girls agreed.

"Thank you" Y/n smiled at them looking back at her finger.

"Well who's the lucky man?" Shelley asked into her mic.

"Yeah I'm going to have to give him a talk because you like my little sister" Cody said while the other guys nodded.

"I don't think you will guys y'all already know and love him" She told them then turned to the crowd. "So yeah I've been married to Daniel for two years now"

"Awwww" everyone said as he grabbed her hand intertwining their finger bringing her hand up to kiss her knuckles making her blush.

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