-kiss and tell

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Stiles stood in the hallway with his best friend Scott watching the girl he had been in love with since the third grade laugh with her friends.

"Go see if she likes me, go listen to her heart beat" Stiles told Scott.


"Please I just want to know, Scott man I have been in love with her for so long" Stiles begged his friend before Scott Agreed.

"Hey y/n can I talk to you" he glanced at her friends Lydia and Malia "alone?"

"Yeah of course" she smiled at him before leading him to the coach's office.

"What can I do for you?" Y/n asked him sitting on the desk, dropping her bag to the ground.

"I need to ask you something" He told her walking to stand beside her.

"Ask away McCall" she told him.

"Does Allison still like me?" He asked the h/c girl.

"I don't think so" Y/n said sliding off the desk and walking towards him "but I mean she has to be really dumb to break up with someone like you" she whispered subductivly.

"Wha-what do you mean?" He asked her and she placed a hand on his chest.

"I mean look at you with your beautiful brown eyes" her finger traced his jawline.

"your hair that I could run my fingers through all day" she placed her hand in his hair twirling it in his fingers.

"Your lips I would love to kiss" Y/n mumbled only centimeters away from his lips.

"Then do it" he told her and she wasted no time before smashing their lips together.

Her hands running through his hair, while their mouths moved quickly together, tongues fighting for dominance, teeth clashing and moans spilling from their mouths.

"Is he okay?!" Lydia asked her boyfriend, Jackson, frantically running into the field with y/n right behind her.

"Yeah just a bloody nose, uhh y/n your lips sticks a little" Jackson pointed to her upper lip.

"Oops" she giggled while looking at Scott, who winked at her, fixing her lips.

"You didn't" Stiles said to his best friend

"Didn't what?" Scott asked.

"You did not make out with the girl I have been in love with since third grade, tell me you didn't kiss her!" Stiles yelled at him.

"Fine I didn't kiss her" Scott told him "she kissed me"

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