-we protect those, who cannot protect themselves

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Y/n stood in front of her boyfriend Scott and thier friends as they said thier goodbyes since Y/n was leaving to join the army at the age of 16. Scott didnt want his girlfriend to leave for god only knows how long and theres always the possibily she wont come back at all, but Scott refused to think about that.

"Why do you have to leave?" Scott asked holding her small body close to his, buring his head into her hair.

"I dont have to but I want to, you know that Scott. You know I have wanted to go into the Army since I was 8" Y/n explained to him giving him a small smiles.

Y/n went around to the group giving them a hug and a kiss on the cheek before backing away to look at them for what honestly could be the last time. She smiled at the once again before turning on her heel only for Scotts had to attach to her wrist spinning her around before smashing his lips to hers in what was probaly the 100th kiss today not that either of them really minded.

"Beacon Hills needs you" Scott tried to reason one last time but it was no use.

"No, they have you to protect them Scott. I have to go to different parts of the world, ones where there isnt a Scott McCall to save them. Remember what I always say, 'we have to protect those, who cannot protect themselves' so let me do that" Y/n told him, her e/c eyes staring to his brown puppy dog ones as he nodded his head sighing.

"I love you" He told her kissing her on the head before letting go of her wrist.

"I love you too" She kissed his cheek before climbing into her car.

Now three years later Y/n finds herself walking up the driveway of the all too familiar house while her eyes scanned the cars sitting outside to see Scotts bike, Roscoe, Lydia and Isaacs cars. She played with the ends of her hair nevously as she walked up the steps of the home, Scott had no idea she was coming home today. She told them when they had thier usual sunday phone calls it might be another 6 months before she came home but now here she was about to know on his door.

Y/n curled her fingers into a fist lifting her shaky hand to know on the door before hearing Scotts voice yell coming a footsteps headed towards her. She took a few steps away from the door while excitment buzzed through her ready to see his face after 3 years but it made her mind wonder how much he probaly had changed.

Scott opened the front door to see the girl he had been missing for the past three years standing there on his front porch in her uniform with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh my god" He said as tears ran down his cheeks as he opened his arms making Y/n run into them wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist as he cried into her hair.

He walked backwards shutting the front door still holding her close to him. Scott placed Y/n down looking at her face to see not a single detail had changed from the last time he laid eyes on her. She lifted her hand up to wipe away his tears with her thumb as he did the same to her before bringing his lips to hers in a slow, gentle kiss full of passion.

"Scott whos at the door?" Lydia asked but neither cared as they stayed in each others embrace, lips molded together.

The pack walked in to see Y/n making Lydia squel before bringing her into a hug which resulted in a group hug while tears feel from their eyes.

"Where Allison?" Y/n asked looking for her sister.

"You didnt tell her?" Lydia asked Scott and he explained they werent allowed to tell sad news to the soilders becuase it could interfer with the job. "Allisons dead"

"She wanted me to tell you, she died doing what she knew you would want her to" Stiles told her.

"She died for us, she pushed me out of the way so she would die instead of me" Lydia explained.

"She said she was protected us becuase as you said, 'We protect those, who cannot protect themselves' she was so proud of what you were doing. You were her role model Y/n, she wanted to do something fearless, something her big sister would do" Scott explained before pulling Y/n into a hug.

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