-the shy ones

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Y/n was never known as the loud or outgoing one in the pack, no she was actually super shy and wouldnt talk unless you spoke to her and the most she would say is a word or two. No one understood what it was like to be super shy, not being able to talk to anyone without your face turning the fifty shades of red that was until a equally shy person joined the group, Isaac Lahey.

"Alright pack meeting starts now" Scott said standing up getting everyones attention from their conversations, or in Y/n and Isaacs case their attention from playing with thier hands. "So as you we have a new threat, Y/n do you know anything about it?" Everyones attention turned to the girl making her face bright red before looking down, closing her eyes and taking a deep breathe to calm her raging nerves.

"Its called a Kanima, it kills murders" She rushed out before taking another deep breathe and looking up, her face finally back to its normal shade.

"Alright well Y/n work on not being shy and-" Scott continued talking but she ignored him and mumbled under her breathe.

"Why cant he understand I just cant become unshy" She mumbled making Isaac look at her and smile.

"I dont think other people understand how hard it is being shy" Isaac told her making her look at him with a small smile and a spark of excitment in her e/c eyes.

"I know like, wanna order food by yourself? Never could without my face turning red" Y/n said quietly.

"Oh my god I know or when you have to read in front of the class" Isaac exclaimed still kinda quiet turning his body to face her.

"Wait do you stutter? Because I stutter so bad" Y/n said moking his actions and looking at him completely.

"Oh you have no idea" He ran a hand through his curly hair before continueing the conversation, both of them talking more and feeling more comfortable with one another.

"Pretty sure that the most Ive heard either one of them talk" Stiles said a little too loudly making the two look at him then back down with a red hue present on their faces.

"Good job Sti" Lydia said flicking his head while shaking her own.

Everyone went back to conversation while the two set there until Y/n felt someone touch her leg. She looked down to see him pointing to his phone then to hers so she grabbed her phone and handed it to him before he put in his number.

"Text me" He whispered making her smile and a red hue go onto her face once again but this time it wasnt from embarrsment but it was an actual blush.

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