-last name

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The pack set in the police department some of them blankly staring at the ground underneath their feet that was caked with mud while others stared at thier hands that was painted with the girl that was something different to all of thems blood.

Isaac started at his right hand that was covered in her blood but inside the middle of his palm laid the golden chain that had his name in cursive in the middle. He hadnt given it to her on their one year using the cliche line, 'Im giving you my first name until I can give you my last' but none the less she cherished that small peice of jewlery. Then tonight she had given it back to him...

Y/n laid on the cold hard cement her head laying in Isaacs lap as his hands laid on the hole in her chest, considering she was human she would bleed out. The bite was always an option but they tried and it didnt heal only meaning it would kill her if the hole in her chest didnt.

"Isaac-" Y/n chocked out trying to tell him something.

"No stop dont do that, your going to live" He lied staight through his teeth as he watched the girl he loved slowly bleed out in his arms as the rest of the pack did the same a few feet away.

"Isaac please" She pleaded with him before his blue tear filled eyes met hers as he watched her fragile shaky hands reach behind her neck uncliping the necklace.

"Y/n what-" She cut him off by placing her hand on top of his that was still putting pressure on her wound.

She took his hands off making him open them placing the necklace in the palm of his right hand.

"I dont deserve your first name if Ill never get to have your last" she told him as tears fell from her eyes and gave him a sad smile before she closed her eyes. 

She took her last breathe her hand falling out of his and slamming against the pool of her own blood on the cement.

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