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When you turn fifteen years old you start having dreams with your soulmate where y'all can communicate with each other but the next morning you can never remember their name also there face and body is blurry.

I walked down the street looking at all of the shops when I heard a familiar voice from behind me, causing me to turn around.

"Really Paris of all places? How cliche" he smirked.

"Shut up, you love it" I told him walking up to him and hugging him.

"I missed you" he told me holding me closer to his chest as he pecked my head.

"You saw me last night" I giggled.

"I know but school sucked" he whined.

"It always does but I miss you too"

We walked around the city of love as two teenagers who were hopelessly in love someone they won't remember the name of or their face when we wake up. In this moment that didn't matter to us, all that mattered was my hand was wrapped in his and we had all night, just us.

We stood in front of the Eiffel Tower when we felt something pulling us apart, we both looked at each other sadly.

"I love you Scott and I'll see you tomorrow night" I told him hugging him.

"I love you too beautiful" he told me before he vanished.

I set at the table in the cafe with my friends listening to their conversations, them laughing and smiling with each other as I tried to focus on details of my soulmate but of course I couldn't remember anything, I have been doing this since I first met him when I was 15 I would sit here and try to hard to remember but I never can.

I looked up when I heard the bell of the cafe door to see a group of teenager my age walk in. I saw one boy with black hair and tattoos on his arm, he looked so familiar but I don't know how.

He looked away from the counter looking around the cafe when he locked eyes with me, when he did it was like everything came back every dream was no longer blurry, I could see my soulmates face I could hear his name falling from my tongue.

"Y/n?" He snapped me out of my trance.

"Scott?" I asked him and he pulled me into a tight hug, "I can't believe after four years we found each other" I cried.

He pulled back and examined my face his brown eyes scanning over my h/c hair, my e/c eyes, my nose then to my lips.

"You more beautiful then I imagined" he told me while rubbing his thumbs on my cheeks before leaning in.

I met him half way to press my lips to his soft lips, the kiss was perfect, It was slow, sweet, gentle but passionate. His lips were my new addiction the way they had a vanilla taste with a hint of strawberry was intoxicating.

We leaned back and laid our foreheads together and I glanced around to see that I was almost like time has frozen everyone stoped talking and was watching us. It was like someone how everyone knew that soulmates have found each other and where never planing to let each other go.

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