-never gonna happen

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This chapter is based off a Steroline (Stefan and Caroline) scene from Season 1 Episode 1 of The Vampire Diaries.

Stiles stood against his locker with the pack as he watched Y/n walk down the hallway with her new friends laughing. He loved her laugh, loved her smile, the way her nose would crinkle and her eyes shinned beautifully when the light hit them perfectly. Stiles Stilinski was simply in love with the new girl, Y/n Y/l/n and she knew that from all his hopless attempts at flirting but she had her eyes on his best friend.

Y/n said goodbye to her friends before walking towards the boy she had been waiting to see all day, Scott McCall.

"Hey Scott" She smiled confidently at him as the pack watched the exchange.

"Oh hi Y/n, how was your first week at Beacon Hills?" He asked.

"It was really good, thanks to my awesome tour guide" She jokingly nudged shoulder making him laugh as the girls rolled thier eyes while Stiles just admired how beautiful she was.

"Well Im always happy to help you" He winked at her "You coming to the party tonight right?"

"If your going to be there then defiantly. Send me the address, will ya?" Y/n asked him.

"Yeah, got it" He smiled at her.

"Well I got to go, see ya" She told him before waving at the rest of the group.

Y/n leaned on the railing of the old wooden bridge with an empty red solo cup in her hand as she waited for Scott since he went to get them more drinks. She heard leaves crunching beside her so she turned her head expecting to see Scott but instead made eye contact with the hoplessly in love boy.

"Hi Stiles" She smiled polietly at him before looking back over the water.

"Hey there you are, I was wondering if you had been down to the waterfall yet becuase its really cool at night. I mean I could show you if you want" He suggested winking when she glanced at him before she fully looked him up and down with a raised brow.

"I think you've had a little too much to drink" She told him.

"I mean its a party, of course I have" He slightly laughed before Y/n pushed off the railing and walked until she was standing in front of him. "So-"

"Stiles, you and me is never gonna happen. Sorry" She told him before placing her cup on the railing beside them and walking off leaving the heartbroken boy as she looked for his best friend.

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