-stay away

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"Your not allowed to go near Y/n Scott. You need to stay away from her" Derek told Scott because the younger boy needed to focus on defeating the dread doctors.

"Got it" Scott told him.

"I thought you were suppose to stay away from me" y/n giggled as Scott kissed her neck.

"Your an addiction" Scott told me looking at me before I flipped us over.

"Take it off" y/n told him straddling his waist.

"Don't you want me to?" Scott asked looking down at her chest.

"Do you want to?" Y/n bit her lip.

"That's a stupid question of course I want to take your clothes off" Scott laughed.

"You first" she told him before they got on their knees kissing.

Y/n reached down and pulled the shirt over his head before connecting their lips again in a passionate kiss. Their lips moving in sync as y/ns hand trailed down his perfect body before reaching his pants loop.

She grabbed his pants loop pulling him down on top of her as she laid down on her bed. His hands slid on her shoulders pulling the straps of her bra down making y/n giggled against his lips.

He reached around the back un clipping her bra throwing it on her bedroom floor. Y/ns hands went to Scotts hair pulling on it making him moan into the kiss sliding his tongue against her bottom lip asking for entrance.

She opened her mouth letting his tongue explore her mouth before he reached down to pull her shirt over her head before someone knocked on the door.

"Y/n honey dinners ready" she heard her mother call from the other side of the door.

"Yeah uhh coming mom" y/n stuttered hearing her moms footsteps fade.

"I should probably go" Scott said picking up his shirt to put on.

"I wish you didn't have to" Y/n told him placing her hand on his chest running her hand down to the lower part of his stomach.

"If you don't stop, I will literally throw you in this bed and take you right now. I don't care if your parents are here" Scott told her grabbing her wrist.

"Next time" y/n whispered before handing him his shirt.

He put his shirt on before walking to her bedroom window but turned around putting his lips back on hers in a sweet gentle kiss.

"I'll call you later" Scott told y/n before climbing at the window. He turned around to see her leaning on the window seal with a smile on her face watching him.

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