-pretty people

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"Here's the thing y/n we can't be friends anymore" Lydia told her with the pack behind her nodding.

"What do you mean?" Y/n asked hurt and confused.

"Well you see pretty people hangout with pretty people. Look at us then look at you. Your overweight, you have terrible acne, no sense of style and your hairs a mess. Sorry" Malia told her before the group walked away leaving y/n alone in the hallway.

"Aww is the little baby gonna cry?" Jackson teased before slamming her into the locker making everyone laugh at her "loser" he said before walking off to his girlfriend Lydia laughing with her.

"And that's why I want to move" y/n explained the whole story to her mom.

"Okay honey, I understand go pack everything up. You can go stay with your aunt Kayla for a year then you come home okay?" Her mom told her and y/n nodded hugging her mother gratefully.

One year later:

"You ready to be a senior?" Her mom asked her as y/n stood outside her brand new Lamborghini she got in Hollywood when she was with her aunt.

"Ready to be a senior? hell yeah

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"Ready to be a senior? hell yeah. At Beacon Hills? Hell no" y/n told her mom before giving her a hug and getting into her car.

She pulled her car into a parking space before pulling down the mirror. She applied a new coat of clear gloss onto her lips before checking the rest of her makeup.

Over the past year y/n was no doubt super model material with her gorgeous e/c eyes, silky h/c hair and flawless skin and body. Y/n looked exactly how she been dreaming off looking since freshman year.

Y/n grabbed her bag before opening her door to see Jackson staring at her.

"Nice car babe" he told her looking at it.

"Thanks" she told him shutting the car door and locking it.

"Maybe you should let me take you on a date sometime"

"No thanks" she told him walking away from her car.

"Why not? I've never been rejected" he told her walking behind her.

She turned around to face him, "well there's a first time for everything babe" she smirked before bopping his nose and walking into the building.

"Alright class this is your new student... y/n y/l/n. Wait I know that name" Coach said to the class then looked at her.

"Ah yes I went here sophomore year" y/n told him before taking a seat in the front.

"Alright then..." he began today's lesson y/n zoning out for most of it until the bell rang.

Y/n walked down the hallway holding her black Louis Vuitton purse.

"Y/n!" She turned her head to she who called her name and immediately recognized the strawberry blonde who was standing with the rest of the group

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"Y/n!" She turned her head to she who called her name and immediately recognized the strawberry blonde who was standing with the rest of the group.

"Yes?" Y/n asked standing in front of them.

"I love your dress and this bag is to die for" Lydia told her examining it.

"Thank you" y/n smiled politely even though these people who made her life a living hell a year ago didn't deserve her kindness

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"Thank you" y/n smiled politely even though these people who made her life a living hell a year ago didn't deserve her kindness.

"You and me are going to be great friends. You'll fit perfectly into our friend group" Lydia told her making y/n laugh.

"Whoa Lydia, you said it yourself pretty people hangout with pretty people" y/n told her.

"We are pretty" Lydia said confused looking at the group.

"I'm not talking about looks Lydia, looks aren't everything I want to be friends with people that have a pretty personality" y/n told her before smiling politely and walking off to her next class.

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