-real me

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You were Scott McCalls twin sister and you were also the most popular girl in school. All the guys wanted to be with you and all the girls wanted to be you.

There was never a day that your hair wasn't styled to perfection, your makeup done flawlessly, and you weren't wearing designer clothes.

But that was only at school, once you came home you changed your perfect hair to a messy bun, you flawless makeup to no makeup and your glasses, and you normally wore a sweatshirt and leggings.

"Please explain how your popular and you look like that" Scott teased you as he walked past you, you were sitting on the couch watching Spongebob and eating chips.

"Explain how you have a girlfriend with a face like that" you shot back smirking. He flicked you off and you did it right back to him, ahh the sibling love.

You heard the doorbell go off, "Scott open the door!" You yelled to your brother.

"Why can't you?!" He yelled walking to the door.

"Because I'm busy"

"Yeah getting fat" he smirked at you.

You stood up and pulled your shirt up to show your abs, "I'm sorry where?" You smirked before plopping back into the couch.

"Hey guys" damn it! I was hoping it was pizza. You thought to yourself.

But nope it was just the pack, you didn't hate them it was just y'all weren't friends you had your friends-the popular clique- and Scott had his-the pack- that's how things were. You did have a crush on Stiles but you were forever going to keep that to yourself.

"Whoa" Lydia mumbled when they walked into the living room to see you.

"I've never been in more in love with you" Stiles mumbled to himself.

"You look different, but it's a good different" Alison smiled at you.

"I know this is way different than the way I normally look but this is the real me. Not all that makeup and designer clothes" you popped a chip in your mouth.

"Then why do you wear it?" Lydia asked you.

"Because without it, I wouldn't have anyone" you told them sadly smiling.

"That's not true" Alison told you.

"It is true no one liked me before I got contacts and new clothes, until I started wearing makeup. No one has ever liked the real me" you started at the tv not wanting to look at them.

"That's not true. I liked you before you did all this, I actually miss the real you! The one who would sit there with me because I couldn't decide if I should watch Star Wars again or Harry Potter. (You giggled) then you would slap me and tell me it was a dumb decision always choose Star Wars. I not only like the real you but I'm in love with her" Stiles told you.

You set there shocked at what he just said, the guy you've been in love with forger is in love with you. Holy shit.

"So are y'all going to kiss or..." Scott comment making everyone laugh.

You got up from the couch and smashed your lips into Stiles. You placed your hands on the back of his neck, your fingers playing with his hair as his went to your waist.

"Be mine?" Stiles breathe out placing his forehead on yours.

"Of course" you told him kissing him again.

The next morning you walked into school wearing jeans and a hoodie, no makeup, your glasses, and your hair in a high pony tail.

Your fingers were intertwined with Stiles as you opened the door. Everyone stopped to look at you and was shocked by your appearance.

You shook your head walking with your boyfriend to your new group of friends, the one who liked you for the real you.

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