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"You need to avoid the pack today Y/n don't talk to them" Derek told me.

"Alright easy" I told him.

"Not easy" I mumbled walking into the school.

I turned a corner to walk up the stairs when I saw Alison. "Shit" I mumbled turning around and walking down another hall to see Stiles and Scott walking out a classroom. "Fuck"

I turned around and headed down another hall away from Scott and Stiles, "y/n!" I heard Lydia call my name the other girl behind her.

"Why is this so hard!" Y/n whisper yelled before the bell rang.

She walked into her class sitting down before putting her head on the desk thinking avoiding everyone would be easy, god was she wrong.

"Y/n you okay? You have been like avoiding us all day" Scott told me sitting in the desk in front of me.

I picked my head up moving my hair from my face, "yeah sorry just stressed" I told him.

"Alright quiet down can someone summarize the reading last night? Greenberg put your hand down we all know you read. McCall summarize" Coach told him.

"The reading uhh last night?" He asked.

"Yeah last night let me guess you didn't do it"

"No sir" Scott told him looking at the top of his desk.

"Alright summarize one nights reading... how about something you've read, ever in your life... a blog? A cereal box? Anything?!" Coach started yelling at him as Scott put his head down, his eyes turning a yellow color.

I reached under the desk and grabbed his hand, trying to calm him down. I squeezed his hand rubbing his hand soothingly with my thumb, he squeezed back his eyes turning their normal beautiful brown color.

"Alright there goes the little bit of hope I had for you Scott" Coach tells him before talking to someone else.

Scott turned his head and looked at me smiling gratefully as I smiled back squeezing his hand.

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