-to love someone else

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It had been a year since Isaac left her and Y/n felt like her heart was just as much torn to pieces as it was a year ago. But through it all she had Scott by her side to help her through every single day of this nightmare. 

She had wondered what made him be there for her after Isaac left. They were in the pack together but they had never been close before he left but this past year it had seemed like they were glued at the hip. 

She had wondered but that was until Stiles slipped up and told her the truth. And that was that Scott had been in love with her for as long as Stiles could remember. It has always been her. 

That confession from Stiles had lead her to where she was right now. Pacing around her kitchen waiting for Scott to walk through that door. 

"Hey Y/n/n you wanted to talk?" He tossed his book bag to the ground before sitting down at the kitchen table. 

"Umm yeah I did" She tugged her sleeve over her hands sitting down across from him nervously. 

"What is it, you can talk-" He reached across the table to hold her hands causing her to pull away.

"Stiles told me that you're in love with me." 

"I- Y/n-"

"No just listen Scott. You make me feel good and that's something I don't take for granted lately. And those eyes, that smile, but I can't help feeling like somethings missing" 

Scotts smile dropped at the last line.

"You're perfectly good. Probably better. But please dont waste you're pretty time on me. 'Cause I could fall for you if I wanted to. And I could get attached and love the hell out of you. Yeah I could fall for you if I let myself"

"Then whats stopping you?"Scott stood up walking towards her. 

"But I dont think Im ready to love someone else" 

Y/n turned and walked around the table running her fingers through her hair.  "And I hate him for not letting me feel like I can finally breathe. I hate it" 

Y/n walked over to Scott placing her hand on his face rubbing his cheek with her thumb. 

"Cause I could fall for you if I wanted to. But I can't. You know that I would, you're so much better. But that's not enough if I can't get over the way he used to look at me." Y/n looked down at the ground as tears fell from her eyes "And how he left so easily" 

"Im sorry Scott. But I dont think Im ready to love someone else" 

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