-cant control love

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"Feelings are things you have no control over; you can't control who you fall for"

Your Pov:

I laid against the bed running my finger through his dark hair, his lips attached to my neck leaving a love bite. He pulled back and looked at me moving a piece of hair behind my ear before smashing his lips to mine, he parted my lips slipping his tongue in making me moan into the kiss.

I pulled back and looked at him before throwing my shirt across the room before pulling his off and throwing it to mine. I ran my hands down his perfect body putting my lips to his neck sucking and biting on it, leaving a love bite. He groaned before pulling me back to kiss my lips, his hands moved to my back removing my bra while I tugged on his bottom lip making him groan causing me to moan into his mouth.

He laid me down on the bed before hovering over me, "You know I wish this wasn't just secret hook ups." I kissed his lips again putting my head on his, "I do too, I'll end it with him soon, I promise" He kissed me rubbing my cheek with his thumb, "I love you y/n" I pulled back, this was the first time he had ever told me he loved me. I flipped us over until I was straddling him, he looked at me in surprise, "I love you too Stiles" I told him with a big smile on my face, making him smile back at me, before I was leaning down and smashing my lips to his again

I leaned against the lockers with the pack as we waited for my boyfriend, Scott to get there. He walked in with a smile on his face as he walked over to us, he wrapped an arm around my waist kissing the top of my head. I looked up and smiled at him before going to kiss him when he pulled back looking at me with a confused look on his face, he reached down and moved my hair away from my neck to reveal the big love mark Stiles had left on my skin last night.

"What is this?" He asked me rather loudly.

"A hickey" I calmly told him glancing at the pack to see everyone staring at us.

"From who?!" He yelled.

"From you silly who else would it be from" I giggled going to kiss him causing him to move away.

"Its not from me" He calmly told me.

"Yes it is Scott, your the only person I've been with. Your the only one who has touched me" I told him before a satisfying shiver went through my body as I remembered the way Stiles would move his hands against my body.

"Scott it has to be from you. Y/N doesn't even talk to anyone else except the pack" Alison told him trying to calm him down.

"Exactly" Scott told her before walking over to Stiles and slamming him against the locker.

"Scott!" The girls yelled/gasped. Scott put his hand on Stiles neck turning it to reveal a big purple mark against his pale skin. Scott threw him to the ground before turning his back to him while running his finger through his hair.

I ran over to Stiles and crouched on the floor next to him making sure he was okay, "Im fine y/n/n" He mumbled before I threw my arms around him hugging him tightly.

Scott turned around to see me hugging Stiles while he rested his head in my hair. "Unbelievable" Scott mumbled before picking up his bag. I stood up and walked in front of Scott.

"Im sorry, I really am. I was-" I tried to explain to him before he cut me off.

"I don't want to hear it and your sorrys don't mean shit to me" He told me before walking away. The girls looked at me with disappointed faces before they walked off following the heartbroken alpha leaving me now crouched on the floor next to Stiles.

"Im sorry" Stiles mumbled looking at the ground with tears falling down his face, I know he feels like this is his fault but it isn't. Not in the slightest.

I placed my hand under his chin getting him to look at me, I wiped his tears away with my thumb before kissing him soft and gentle but with so much passion behind it. I leaned my head on his before I whispered, "We can't control who we fall in love with Stiles, I fell in love with you and in no way do I regret that"

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