-we love each other

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Y/n set in the bleachers with her best friends, Alison and Lydia also with the rest of the pack as they watched the boys at practice because they had a pack meeting after practice.

Y/ns eyes scanned the field looking for three jersey numbers. 11 her older brother Scott who was in goal right now, 24 her dorky best friend Stiles who surprisingly was playing, then lastly 09 her (secret) boyfriend Liam.

She watched as Liam was slammed to the ground making her stand up, she saw her brother crouch down in front of him telling him to calm down before Liam ran off the field to the locker room with Scott yelling after him.

"I got this" y/n told her brother before walking into the school.

Scott watched his little sister walk in before walking behind her, "where are you going?" Lydia asked him with the pack behind her as they followed the alpha.

"Going to make sure he calms down and doesn't hurt my little sister" he told them.

He was in front of the door when stiles was about to push it open but Scott stoped him and told them to listen.

Y/n stood in front of the young wolf who's eyes were a yellow and face covered in facial hair as she tried to calm him down.

"Liam baby look at me" she told him grabbing his face.

"Stop y/n I don't want to hurt you" he told her pushing her hand away but she immediately put it back.

"Liam Dunbar I know you would never hurt me and you know that too" she told his soothingly.

He calmed down and pulled the small girl into his arms, "what would I do without you?" He mumbled in her hair.

"I don't know probably be a crazy werewolf" she joked making him laugh.

"I love you y/n McCall" Liam told her pressing his forehead to his.

"Omg they are so cute" Alison whispered to the pack.

"My little sister is dating a werewolf?!" Scott hissed.

"I love you too Liam Dunbar" they heard the girl whisper.

Scott pushes the door open to see his little sisters arms wrapped around the betas neck while his was on her waist pulling her close to him as he gave her a sweet kiss.

"What is this?!" Scott roared at the couple.

"Omg Scott" Y/n said pushing the boy away.

"Y'all are dating?" He asked and y/n looked at the boy and nodded.

"Yeah we are" she told him looking up at Liam as he smiled down at her.

"Are you just using her to get in her pants?!" The alpha said standing in front of the slightly intimidated beta.

"Of course not, I would never do that I love her and I would never do anything to hurt her" Liam told him truthfully before he looked to his little sister.

"I really do love him Scott more than I have ever loved anyone or could love anyone. He makes me really happy" she smiled at her brother as Liam pulled her closer to him.

"Awww" the girls cooed making y/n shake her head giggling at them.

"Alright but if you hurt my sister, I will rip your throat out Dunbar" Scott threatened.

"Same if you hurt my best friend I will make your life a living hell" Stiles threatened before he left with the rest of the pack.

"That went well" Liam laughed.

"I love you" y/n told him smiling up and him as she was wrapped securely in his arms, her favorite place to be.

"I love you more beautiful" he told her pressing a kiss to her forehead pulling her into a tight hug.

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