-the journal

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[I cant believe this is the 100th chapter in this book and we have over 7 thousand reads for this book. I want to say a big thank you, I love guys and I hope you enjoy this chapter!!]

The 19 year old girl set on the semi crowded train with headphones in the music blaring in her ears distracting her from the gross surroundings around her until she fealt a tap on her shoulder. She pulled out her earphone to see an old lady holding a worn out brown leather notebook.

"This is yours" The lady said handing it to her.

"Thats not mine" Y/n responded.

"Just take it sweetheart" She told me and placed it into her lap. Y/n looked at the book in her lap then back up to see the woman was no longer there or anywhere on the train.

Y/n placed the earphone back into her ear before opening the cover of the leather notebook.

To Y/n
From The Pack

Y/n stared at the page confused, with a million questions going through her head. How did this random person who owned this book know her name? How did they know she would get the book? What the hell is a pack, like wolves? Who was that woman and where did she go? For now they all remained unanswered.

Y/n flipped to the next page to see her name scribbled at the top with a date from 3 years ago beside it.

Y/n-May 8th, 2016
Hey Y/n/ns its Scott, I know you probaly have a million questions the first one being who the hell am I. Well this book is going to help you remeber, to remeber everything the ghost riders made you forget. On the back of this page theres an envolope with photos in there that you wont reconigze but when you touch it and close your eyes it will give you a memory. Once you've done that read the next page.

Y/n flipped the page and sure enough on the back of the previous page was a white envolope with her name written in cursive on the outside. She opened it grabbing the first picture which was of her sitting at a picnic table with a group of people.

[Imagine yourslef beside Malia]

"Hi so I was wondering If I could take alls picture for the year book" This girl said walking up to the table they were sitting at

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"Hi so I was wondering If I could take alls picture for the year book" This girl said walking up to the table they were sitting at.

"Yeah of course" Lydia smiled at the girl turning to face the camera.

"Lydia our eyes" Scott said through his smile

"No flash please" Y/n told them girl who nodded before Y/n went back to smiling when she snapped the photo before walking away. "I just saw our werewolf asses" Y/n said making them laugh.

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