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Y/n was laying on the bed of her boyfriend of two years, Jacksons, bed waiting for him to finish getting dressed for school. She was flipping through a magazine before throwing it on his bed as a bored sigh left her pink lips.

"Jackson" She called out to her boyfriend who had just gotten out of the shower.

"Hmm" He hummed in response for her to continue.

"Im so bored, hurry up" She whinned rolling on his bed. Jackson stuck his head out of the bathroom door his wet hair stuck to his forhead, beads of water trailing down his toned chest ending at the white towel that hung low on his hips.

"You wouldnt be bored if you had joined me in the shower like I asked" Jackson shrugged his shoulders and sent her a wink before going back to the bathroom.

For a few moments it was silent except for the light sounds coming from the bathroom such as the water running and the vibration of his tooth brush along with the sprits sound from his cologne. Y/n set up and walked over to his dresser where he had pictures of the two of the from the past two years, she continued to look at them with a smile on her face until her arm brushed something off the dresser and on to the floor. She beant down to pick it up realizing it was the keys to his beloved Porsche, then she got an idea.

"Hey handsome" Y/n called out, every since they started dating Y/n either called him Jackson or handsome and he either called her Y/n or beautiful. Which their friends said was not a good idea since both of them were both very confident in their looks, so they were just boosting the others ego.

"What beautiful?" Y/n smiled at the name before looking back down at the keys in her hand.

"You should let me drive the Porsche to school today" Right when the words left Y/ns mouth the bathroom was opened and Jackson gave her a look like she was out of her mind.

"No" He told her leaning against the bathroom door frame.

"Why not? I know that car is your baby, but I promise I wont mess it up" Y/n begged him playing with the keys in her hand.

"I dont care about the car Y/n, theres hundreds of that car. I dont want you to drive it because its a hard car to drive and while there may be a hundred of my car theres only one of my girl" Jackson told her standing in front of her now his blue eyes looking into her e/c ones.

"Aww Jackson" Y/n cooed before wrapping her arms around him and hugging him. "Now listen I still wanna drive the car, so lets the make this easy for both of us. We know Im stubborn and dont take no for an answer so your going to let me drive the car. Plus if anything goes wrong youll be there" Y/n told him pulling away from the hug.

She sent him a sweet smile before grabbing her bag and his eyes before walking out his room but stopping in the door way.

"You coming?"

"Your lucky I love you" Jackson mumbled grabbing his bag and walking out the door behind her.

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