-four years later

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-Warning involves murder and other graphic things that might be triggering-

You know in every town theres that one girl whos known as the girl next door, she is the one person the whole town loves. For Beacon Hills that person was Y/n Y/L/n she was the sweetest person you have ever met in your life, there wasnt a single person who wasnt friends with her hell Jackson Whittemore and Malia Tate was best friends with her along with the rest of the pack. She volunteered at hospital and animal clinic, she was on student council, she babysat for money or if the parents didnt have any she would do it for free just to help out, she would even go around the neighbor hood on Sunday nights to the elderly homes and take them dinner- yeah thats how sweet she was. Thats why everyone loved her until June 13th, 2015 the girl everyone loved went missing.

Then on August 24th 2019 a couple of girls went to the lake to go swimming before school started when one of the girls decided to go see this old abondoned cabin that was only a little bit away from the lake. So only two of the girls went to explore the house before going into the basement where the smell of something rotting was, they were too scared to check it out but called Sheriff Stilinski.

Sheriff Stilinski was in his office with his son and the pack while Stiles was explaining to him why he should let them go to Mexico when his phone rang.

"Sheriff Stilinski how can I help you?" He asked making the pack go quiet to listen.

"You dont know what it is?" He waited for a response "Well it may just be a dead animal but Ill come check it out in case, see you in twenty bye" He hung up the phone before turning to the pack.

"We wanna go!!" Stiles said excited.

"Yall can, these teens went to an abandoned house and the basement had a rotting smell coming from it, it probally just an animal" He picked up his keys before walking out of the office with the teens behind him.

"Ooo or a body" Liam said earning a smack in the back of the head from Scott.

"If its a dead body that means an innocent person died, its not a good thing Liam have some symapthy" He scolded making Liam look down guilty.

The two girls stood with the rest of their friends by the sheriff car with the pack since Stilinski told them to stay just incase it was a body and he would go check it out.

"So you think its an animal?" Malia asked them and one of the girls shook thier head.

"Nah that smell wast an animal it was human, no doubt" She answered before shivering at the thought of a dead person in that house.

Sheriff Stilinski walked back out with tears filling his eyes before picking up the phone calling for an ambulance to come get the body.

He ended the call wiping his eyes turning to his son and the others, "Yall dont wanna see this, it wasnt animal"

"Do you know who it was?" Scott asked and the sheriff nodded.

"Who?" Lydia asked.

"Yall dont want to know and I dont want yall to see this so please leave" He pretty much begged them.

"Dad Ive seen a body cut in half I think Ill be fine" Stiles half laughed trying to shake the thought from his head.

The ambulance pulled up and the sheriff told him the girl was in the basement before they nodded and headed down.

"You didnt know them Stiles, its different" He told him and they were about to question what he meant when the paramedics came out holding a stretcher with a body on it. The pack was trying to see who it was until the arm fell, the same bracelt the entire pack had with their names on them was attached to the arm except it was no longer white it was drenched with blood but you could clearly read 'Y/n' ingraved into it.

"No" Stiles shook his head looking at his dad as tears filled his eyes.

"It cant be" Lydia mumbled putting her hand to her mouth.

The paramedic walked over to the Sheriff, "The girl looks about 19 years old. We think cause of death was she was kidnapped, intoxicated, rapped then had a pipebomb shoved down her throat (My mom actaully use to be friends with a girl in high school and that happened to her, RIP) Do you happen to know who the victim was?"

"Yeah her name was Y/n Y/L/n she went missing when she was 15" Scott answered, his voice cracking.

"Did yall know her?" He asked them and they all nodded "Im so sorry" He gave a sympathetic smile before walking back to the drivers seat.

"She didnt deserve this" Stiles mumbled wipping his tears with the back of his hand.

"The worst things always happen to the best people" The sheriff told them before pulling his son into a hug.

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