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Y/n walked down the hallway to her locker, it was the last day of senior so she had to clean out her locker. She started by taking the things off the door which consisted of photos, she picked up the one of her and her old best friends Lydia Martin. The picture was of them at age 12 in their polka dot bathing suits smiling at the camera.

"Okay we should be like those older girls we see tanning all the time! I bet boys will think we're hot" Lydia told her as we took off their cover ups.

"Okay" Y/n told her sitting down on the chair.

"I even stole my cousins sunglasses that her and her best friend wear when they tan." She told y/n handing her a pair.

"Hey Lyds" y/n called out to her best friend making her take off her glasses and turn to face the girl smiling.

"Yes y/n/n?"

"Thanks for being my best friend" y/b told her smiling.

Lydia smiled at the girl before tuning in her back and putting back on her glasses, "always"

Y/n put the photo in her bag before she grabbed the next one which was them at 14 smiling with their arms intertwined in front of the high school.

"I can't believe we are in high school!" Y/n said as she admired the lockers.

"I know and don't leave me! I can't loose you I will be lost without you" Lydia told y/n in fear of being alone without her best friend of two year in this big school.

"Lydia I'll be by your side always" y/n told her before smiling at her before opening her locker.

Y/n grabbed the photo and put the photo in her back grabbing the next one. Which them at 15 with Lydia holding y/n in her arms as she cried Lydia whispering soothing words to her.

"He's a jerk y/n/ns he didn't deserve you anyways forget Cody he is missing out on an amazing girl. I can't believe any boy would drop my smoking hot best friend for some white trash" Lydia told her making the girl giggle.

"Thanks for helping Lyds" y/n sniffled.

"As your best friend I'll be here to wipe away your tears, always" she told y/n hugging her tighter.

Y/n shoved held the photo in her hand as she heard giggling causing her to turn her head to see Lydia with her new group of friends.

Before y/n could think she had pulled out her phone going to Lydia's messages the most recent one reading.

Sorry can't hangout tonight. Having girls night with Alison, Malia and Kira xx

That was from two years ago, y/n pulled up and new message and typed pressing send before she could even process what was happening.

So much for our always.

She watched as Lydia picked up her phone and read the message looking at y/n before she slammed her lockers shut and stumped down the hallway.

"Y/n!" Lydia called out for her own best friend and ran towards her, stoping in defeat as y/n rounded the corner.

Lydia looked under her shoe to see the photo y/n had in her hand just moments ago making a tear drip down her face.

"I'll be waiting her for you, always" She mumbled to herself as a tear landed on the photo.

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