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I miss you so much

You read your boyfriend stiles message, you didn't see each other a lot. He lived in Beacon Hills, California and you lived in Atlanta, Georgia. Y'all had met over the summer when you were both working at a summer camp.

The last time you saw each other was when he visited you 4 months ago. You put your suitcase in your car and got into the drivers seat before texting him back.

I miss you more but I can't talk rn, sorry babe.

Okay :(

You turned your phone off before you started your drive. You were just enjoying all the sights while you jammed out to the music super excited for what was to come in a exactly 19 hours-this was going to be one hell of a drive but he was worth it.

You finally pulled up to your destination seeing multiple cars parked outside including Roscoe.

Hey babe I sent you something in the mail, got see if it's there yet. It said it arrived a few minutes ago.

Why did you get me something? You didn't have to but okay.

You heard footsteps coming to the door before it opened to show Stiles standing there with his hair a perfect mess wearing jeans and a red & black plaid shirt with a white t-shirt.

"Oh my god!" He yelled running to you and pulling you into a hug spinning your around while kissing all over your face.

You heard more footsteps and saw it was just his friends who you had met on FaceTime. He put you down and looked at you but focused on something behind you, his eyes on your matte black Jeep.

"You drove here?!" He asked you shocked.

"Well yeah" you sheepishly told him.

"That's a 19 hour drive, your crazy" He goofily smiles at you.

"Yeah crazy in love with you" you told him smashing your lips into his while you heard a chorus of "aww"s behind you but you were too caught up in being in Stiles arms to care.

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