-youre welcome

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"I'm sorry Stiles but I can't stay here. There is too much crazy supernatural stuff happening and I'm only 16. I don't what to get killed or something I have my whole life ahead of me" you told your now ex-boyfriend, before kissing him on the cheek.

You got into your matte black Jeep (ugh my dream car!) you looked at him one more time, you saw tears running down his face. You smiled at him sadly before driving away.

Three years later:

You have been living in Mystical Falls for three years, yeah so much for getting away from supernatural.

Mystical Falls ended up being a lot like Beacon Hills. Beacon hills had banshees, were-coyotes, werewolves, hunters, etc. Mystical Falls had witches, vampires, hybrids, werewolves, hunters, etc.

You thankfully were still human you never want to be supernatural but this is Mystical Falls after all anything could happen.

"I'm going to miss you!" Care said hugging you.

"I'll be back in a week Care" you giggled.

"I know but who's going to help me keep an eye on Elena, to make sure she doesn't rip someone's throat out" she giggled with you.

"If anyone can handle her it's You Caroline" you hugged her again before getting into you matte black Jeep- yep you still have it, that was your baby.

You drove until you saw the all too familiar sign, Welcome to Beacon Hills. You cringed at the memories, yeah you had some good ones but manly bad ones.

You got yourself an apartment since you didn't have any family to stay with, that had all died when you were 16. Another reason why you wanted to get out of this town.

You dropped your bag off before walking around the city you saw your old high school, you decided to go in since it was 9 at night so no one should be in there.

You walked in lookin around the halls, you stopped at the trophy case to see a picture of you, Alison, and Lydia. You all stood side by side in your cheer uniforms holding your trophies smiling in the camera.

You looked beside it to see a picture of Stiles and Scott with their lacrosse uniforms on smiling. Damn Stilinski finally made the team, you thought to yourself giggling.

You continued walking down the hallway until you heard someone yelling.

"Divine move, divine move. You think you have any moves at all. You can kill the oni but me"

You ran around the corner to see someone standing there in front of a group of people.

"Me, Im a thousand years old, you can't kill me!" He walked towards the group you had a feeling if you didn't do something those kids would be killed by the guy.

You reached down and pulled the bone danger that Damon had made you bring- in this moment you were really grateful he had-, it can kill anyone and anything, then it sends them straight to hell.

You picked it up and threw it into his back. He started convulsing until he felt onto his knees completely still. You heard a noise like cracking then he fell to the ground disintegrating into dust.

"What the fuck" You heard one of the kids whisper.

You walked over picking your dagger off the ground wiping off the little bit of blood that was on it and sticking it back into your boot.

"Your welcome" you rolled your eyes before you stood up your hair flipping behind you.

"Y/N?!" Everyone gasped. You raised an eyebrow as you looked at them confused onto your eyes landed on a familiar face, Stiles.

"Oh my god" you whispered to yourself. They ran over and pulled you into a group hug.

"Where have you been?" Lydia asked you.

"How have you been?" Scott asked.

"Mystical Falls and I'm good" you mumbled looking around for a certain raven hair girl who you use to call your bestfriend since y'all were the age of 6.

"Where's Alison?" You asked them looking at Scott.

"She's gone y/n" Lydia told you.

You couldn't cry, you had gotten use to loosing people in your life. You just chewed on your bottom lip.

"This world didn't deserve her anyways" you breathe out.

Someone wrapped their arms around you putting their head in your hair crying.

"I'm sorry I just missed you so much" Stiles mumbled against your neck.

You picked his head up and looked into his beautiful brown eyes before glancing at his lips before smashing your lips together.

You pulled back placing your forehead on his, "I miss you too"

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