-story of our life

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December 26th, 2017: the day Y/n realized she was in love with her best friend Stiles.

Y/n and Stiles had been best freinds since they were three, then a little later they had met Scott, their other best friend. Y/n and Stiles did everything together, they had movie nights, sleep over at each others house, even sleep in the same bed and it was never awkward. Until one night Y/n was in Stiles arms watching a christmas movie, she looked up to see his beautiful honey eyes staring at her smiling softly and in the moment that her heart skipped a beat she just knew.

January 18th, 2018: the day Y/n slipped up and told Stiles about her crush on him.

They were sitting in Y/ns bedroom doing homework when Stiles got bored and suggested they play truth or dare. Y/n picked truth getting asked if she liked anyone and who. she had planned to lie to him but the small simple word, you had slipped from her lips.

January 18th, 2018: the day Stiles kissed Y/n

Stiles looked at his best friend as that small word left her lips, he leaned forward whispering, good before placing his lips on hers. It was a little weird to them to be kissing their best friend the same person they use to take baths with, the one they had known since they were toddlers. At the same time the kiss felt so right.

January 19th, 2018: the day Stiles asked Y/n to be his girlfriend

Y/n woke up in her bed but the boy she had fallen asleep beside last night like many nights before wasnt there. She set up to look around seeing his phone on her bedside table meaning he was still there. Stiles pushed her bedroom door open walking in holding a tray of Y/ns favorite breakfast, he set it in front of her making her heart swell. He set down beside her smiling at her as she asked what this was for, he simply smiled at her and asked her to be his girl friend before she flung her arms around his neck hugging him.

March 9th, 2018: the day Y/n told Stiles she loved him

Y/n looked out the window of Roscoe watching the trees fly by, she looked at Stiles seeing a content smile on his face as his hand rested on her thigh. She picked up his hand intertwining their finger making him look at the beautiful girl and smile. She smiled back and the words just feel from her lips, they never felt more right. Y/n had never told a boy she loved them before becuase she never wanted to say it unless she meant it but with Stiles she could say it a million times and he would never understand how much that girl truly did love him.

March 9th 2018: the best day of Stiles life

This was the day the girl, who was his best friend, the person he had been in love with since the third grade and his girlfriend told him she loved him. He squeezed her hand in his and a huge smile grew on his face as he felt his heart skip a beat at the sound of those words leaving her beuatiful lips.

September 21st, 2018: the day Stiles promise Y/n he would be their for her forever

He pulled out a velvet box from his back making Y/n freak out and Stiles laugh, no he was not proposing to the girl though one day he can promise you he will. He promised her to always protect her from any supernatural problems, to love her, to care for her, to always be their for her, to be her best friend and he promised one that he would replace this promise ring with an engagement ring.

January 19th, 2020: the day Stiles went through with his promise he made two years ago

Stiles had everything perfect. The bedroom was covered in rose petals with a big rose petal heart on the bed with a red velvet box in the middle that held a beautiful ring to fit on his beautiful girlfriend of two years finger. She walked into the room, tears pooling in her e/c eyes as she looked around before her eyes landed on the love of her life standing in the doorway with a bundle of roses in his hands. He told her he would get a rose for everything he loved about her but there wasnt enough in the world, he said that exacly two years ago he made the best decision he ever could and that was asking her to be his girlfriend now he was going to make an even better one and ask her to marry him.

December 26th, 2020: the day Y/n Y/l/n became Y/n Stilinski

Y/n walked down the aisle with her arms intertwined with her dads as a big smile made its way onto her face while she looked at the people in the seats, the best man- Scott of course, the maid of honor- Alison, and most importantly the beautiful human being standing at the end of the aisle watching his fiance walk towards him. Stiles was taking this moment to process that this was really happening, he was going to marry his best friend, the girl he had loved for ever and the love of his life. He couldnt be any happier to make her his, forever and always.

June 16th, 2021: the day y/n gave bith to their first son

After 12 hours of labor Y/n laid in the hospital bed out of breathe holding her beautiful baby boy, Liam Nelson to her chest while holding her husbands hand as he stared down at Y/n. Stiles couldnt understand two things. One: how they created this baby boy, that this was thiers, that they had made a little family of their own. Two: how after 12 hours of screaming, pushing, and sweat pouring down her face she still looked like an angel to him, he would never understand what he did to deserve this woman or this baby boy.

October 2nd, 2089: the day they took thier last breathes

Y/n laid in her and her husband of 60 years, Stiles bed with her hand intertwined with his. Her breathing slowed down and became shallow, Stiles breathing copying hers. Their breathing became less frequent until it didnt come anymore, the next morning their son walked into their room to see the two elders, who were once just teenagers hoplessly in love, passed away in their bed with their hands still intertwined and a smile on thier face.

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