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You were an angel in Beacon Hills and you were sent to the ground to watch over your assigned person. You were assigned a boy who had lost his mother at a young age, one of his friends and his father was now in the hospitail. That boy was Stiles Stiliksnki.

I was sitting at Dereks loft with the pack waiting for Derek to get off the phone. I was laying on the couch as Stiles laid his head in my lap and I played with his hair. Derek walked in running his fingers down his face and groaning in frustration.

"Whats up?" Scott asked him.

"Peter is telling me about 6 months ago an Angel was sent to Beacon Hills and we need to find her before the other pack kills them" Derek explained.

"Hold up. Angel as in the things from God they cant kill them! What harm could they do?! They are like the nicest people you will ever meet, all they wanna do is help people. Why would they want to kill them?!" I shouted, 'way to not be suspicious y/n' I thought to myself.

"I agree with you y/n/ns but why do you care so much?" Liam inquired and everyone agreed with him.

"I mean I wouldnt say I care, I just dont think its right" I told them before picking up my book bag and walking out the door. 

I walked out the door heading to my car when someone grabbed me and hit me over the head making my vision go black.

I woke up in a room with the other pack surronding me, they would me, this is not good. I tried to move but I was strapped down to what looked like a surgery table.

"Dont worry sweetheart this will only hurt a lot" He laughed before I felt a sharp pain in my wings. HE WAS CUTTING THEM OFF! I tired to move and kick but it was useless all I could do was cry.

He cut my wings off then unstrapped me throwing me to the ground before throwing my wings before me, I reached out to touch my feathers. I felt the once beautiful white and soft feathers, but now they were hard and blood stained.

I set against the wall crying when the door opened, I looked up to see the pack. Everyone stood in shock at the sight of my sobbing holding my wings to my chest. Stiles pulled me against his chest as I sobbed.

"Th-they cut off m-my wings" I looked up and his sobbing.

"y/n wings or not you'll always be my angel" Stiles told me as he held me tighter to him, running his fingers through my hair.

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